Claim (#3121) Approved

21 May 2024, 11:46:51 EDT (9 months ago)
22 May 2024, 12:18:25 EDT (9 months ago) by arwen


It's been SUUUUPER long since I've done one of these so bare with me LMAOO

For MYO 868 Tonkotsu Ramen, I bought their MYO back in the day when it was suuuper expensive (before Kayy, Chi, or Star)... Their original rare traits were Edible Tail (still a trait he has), Fluffy Ears (retired), and Poncho Bandana (retired - now considered Large Bandana as my Ion Drink soosh has the same bandana-type). So I think grandfathering in the large bandana would be great! Unfortunately, since he is from that day n age where I don't have much proofs other than his MYO purchase since slots back then were unlimited traits as long as it matched the slot rarity uvu

My OFF-462 Vanilla Bean soosh just needs their appraisal corrected! I paid nearly $150 for em but their old appraisal n such can be found in the screenshots (I honestly have comm'd a bit more since then so $150 feels a bit more accurate since I've only gotten a couple new pieces since then!)


Reward Amount



These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

PrinceDipper's Bank

Currency Quantity