Current Event

The Winter Snowfall Festival is underway!

January - February is our Winter Snowfall Festival!

Join us for a limited event featuring a questline of prompts, event currency, seasonal items, a new foraging area, and more!

New Winter Daily

Candycane Calendar

Check in every day to get 10 Candycanes to add to your collection!

Event Prompts Live!

Prompts end on February 21st @ 11:59pm ET

Looks like more magic is stirring in Culario and revealing new Sooshes we haven't seen before.
These ones are silent and scary, so it's up to you to figure out why they're here!

Event Prompts

New Foraging Area: Hushed Sanctuary

What sort of new creatures will you befriend?

Go Forage

New Pet Collection

Hushed Sanctuary has a new Collection if you can get every pet from foraging!
What's this? It seems like there's a Part II of the collection...?

Hushed Sanctuary Collection

New Activity: Winter Traditions

What does Culario do every winter as their own traditions?
It's time for you to join in on the tradition, too!

Winter Traditions Activity

New Seasonal Trait

Wing Ears are the new Winter Snowfall Seasonal trait!

Wing Ears are ears replaced completely by small angelic or devilish wings. The size of the wings at max can be around the size of the head.

This trait stacks with the Small Pixie Wings trait or Large Wings trait. It does not stack with Large Ears.

This means if you want the Wing ears to be pixie wings, you need the Small Pixie Wings trait.
If you want larger Wing Ears, you'll need the appropriate Mythical-tiered trait to stack and apply to it.

This trait is usable with the Angelic Idol item:

This trait is purchaseable along with the other Winter Snowfall Festival Seasonal items in the Holiday Shoppe!

New Transformation: Spiritsoosh

Lastly, what we have all been eyeing...

Spiritsooshes are our new Transformation!
The bottom half of the Soosh's body becomes untangled and is hardly a part of this world, granting them transparency and floatation abilities.

This new Transformation also has a more stylistic variant, with both types shown below:

What type of Ghostly build do you prefer?

This trait is usable with the Cherished Amulet item:

Seems like you'll have to earn this item via the Event Prompts or another way...

The Premium Amulet is also now stocked in the Koinpeito Shop for 35 KP

Raffle Prizes

Here is this festival's prizes via the Winter Snowfall Festival 2025 raffle!

3rd Place: Winter Seasonal Trait Box

2nd Place: Cherished Amulet

1st Place: Bleeding Black Cupcake Sushi Dog (with a Spiritsoosh transformation)

Designed by aisu!

What a spooky and unique Soosh to bring some terror to the festival!

Good luck to everyone entering, and don't forget to buy Frozen Tickets via The Holiday Shoppe. This will grant you entries into the raffle!

End-of-Festival Extravaganza

The festival is coming to a close, which means some future events to close us out will occur!

Flash Prompts

Hosted by pygmyplum


1st Flash Prompt Created by Radio
Friday, February 7th


2nd Flash Prompt Created by Radio
Friday, February 14th 
3rd Flash Prompt Created by pygmyplum
Friday, February 21st


Discord Game Nights

Hosted by A_Fallen_Ace


Friday, February 7th @ 4:30pm ET

Sussyboi Among Us
Saturday, February 22nd @ 3pm ET

Seasonal Prompts End on February 21st

This is just a reminder from last month, and is always displayed on the prompts.

From now on, event prompts will be due a week ahead of the festival closure to ensure there is plenty of time for purchases before we roll our raffle.