This page contains information regarding design updates, which includes Design Edits and Transformations.
Read below for guidance on how these work!
Pocket Mirror Edits 
(Minor Design Edits or Image Replacement)
We allow some design edits to be made with an inexpensive site item! These are edits that are either canonically possible by the soosh themselves, or minimal enough to be considered stylistic preferences.
The following design edits can be made with a Pocket Mirror on the official page of your Sushi Dog:
- Minimal changes to colors and markings.
- Changing or adding accessories or hairstyles.
- Changing body fur length or texture.
- Reuploading the image to reflect the above changes.
Alternatively, you can use the Pocket Mirror to change the artwork of your Soosh in the masterlist entry - even if you did not change any parts of the design!
Please note:
The Pocket Mirror is a standalone item. This means it should never be combined with another item for an update; it is only necessary for minor edits or image changes.
Salon Services & Fashion Boutique Items
(Design Edits or Subtype Addition)
Sometimes, you may want to make a design change that's just a little more in-depth. Pommelraie's Salon is here to help! These are items that can be purchased from Pommelraie's Salon for a small amount of CO or KP via the Koinpeito Shop, and must be attached to a design update request in order to update your Soosh's design.
The following design edits can be made using items:
- Changing colors and markings (minorly with Simple Shampoo, or majorly with Prismatic Dye).
- Changing the color of traits (Simple Shampoo).
- Swapping one trait for another within the same or lower rarity tier, except mythical traits (Chic Bracelet).
- Reverting a Soosh to a previous design (Nostalgic Wristwatch).
- Redesigning a Soosh by adjusting markings, colors, traits, and more (Makeover Kit).
- Adding a Subtype Transformation (Stylish Beret).
Stylish Beret Edits 
(Split or Merged Transformations)
We all love the unique Subtypes (Bihead, Trihead, Diptych, Triptych) that Sooshes can have! However, many of us understand the difficulty of drawing these unique types of Sooshes or commissioning art of them. The Stylish Beret has brought out more magic from its transformative properties and unveiled new forms for Sooshes to take on - Split or Merged Transformations!
These transformations are what they sound like: split or merged forms of an existing Soosh! The way the magic works will be outlined below.
Split Form
Soosh types that can have this form added:
- Standard (no subtype)
- Bihead
- Trihead
These Sooshes can now have an alternate form where they split into one of two Subtypes:
- Diptych
- Triptych
The designs must still resemble the main form of the Soosh!
To add this form to your Soosh, please submit a design update request and attach the Stylish Beret.
Simply attach the new split form image of your Soosh and select "Transformation: Split" and the appropriate Subtype (Diptych or Triptych) in the traits tab. Traits may slightly differ as long as they are still in the same rarity category due to the multiple bodies aspect of this form.
Merged Form
Soosh types that can have this form added:
- Diptych
- Triptych
These Sooshes can now have an alternate form where they merge into one of three Subtypes:
- Standard (no subtype)
- Bihead
- Trihead
The designs must still resemble the main form of the Soosh!
To add this form to your Soosh, please submit a design update request and attach the Stylish Beret.
Simply attach the new merged form image of your Soosh and select "Transformation: Merged" and the appropriate Subtype (none, Bihead, Trihead) in the traits tab. Traits may slightly differ as long as they are still in the same rarity category due to the combined aspect of this form.
Other Transformations
Color Change (Requires Fallen Leaf
Color Change is an alternate palette for your Soosh - markings and traits must stay the same! The color change can be a minor accent color that freely changes (ex. the NPC Zero) OR an entirely different color change for all of the design.
To add this form to your Soosh, please submit a design update request and attach the Fallen Leaf.
Simply attach the alternate color image of your Soosh and select "Transformation: Color Change". That's it!
Mersoosh Forms (Requires Mesmerizing Mirror
Mersoosh forms of Sooshes are alternate forms where the lower body of the Soosh is replaced by an aquatic-based end. It does not have to be strictly fish - jellyfish, sharks, crustaceans, and more are allowed!
This build also gets the Scales and Fins trait for free, if desired.
To add this form to your Soosh, please submit a design update request and attach the Mesmerizing Mirror.
Simply attach the Mersoosh image of your Soosh and select "Transformation: Mersoosh". Then remove the previous build trait to replace it with the build trait "Aquatic" and change the rarity to Transformative.
The moderators will then add the trait "Form Change" and update the Soosh's rarity to Transformative in the main form. That's it!
Awakened Forms (Free)
Awakened forms are for Sooshes who have opened their eyes to another world co-existing alongside them. This allows them to take on a humanoid form, and they are free to exit and re-enter it as necessary. These humanoid forms will show the traits a Soosh has, but beyond that their humanoid builds may differ entirely from "humans".
These forms can have paw-feet, other non-human traits, and more! There is a lot of variety in how Sooshes present themselves in a humanoid form, but they always resemble their main form.
Awakened forms must reflect every existing trait of a Soosh or it will not be approved.
Clothing can partially cover bandanas, but the bandanas must still resemble the original style of the main form.
This means you cannot use a shawl bandana in the Awakened design if your Soosh has a small neck bandana, so please don't miss this detail!
To add this form to your Soosh, please submit a design update request.
Simply attach the Awakened image of your Soosh and select "Transformation: Awakened". Then remove the previous build trait to replace it with the build trait "Humanized". That's it!