Magic Guide

All soosh have the capability to use magic powers, unique to each Soosh themselves. Their powers must be mastered in order to be used, however, and thus many Sooshes must go through Magic Training to fully realize their Magic Capability.

Magic Training

Sushi Dogs do not intuitively have control over their magic power; it first has to be discovered, and then mastered through training!

Magic training is completed through a unique questline made up of three prompts. Through this training, your Sushi Dog will become more in-tune with their magic potential. After training completion, your Sushi Dog will gain the Attuned trait. This is to showcase that they are now capable of using their own magic power. Once Attuned, your Sushi Dog is ready to earn virtue points

Alternatively, you can skip this questline entirely by purchasing an Energizing Tonic from the Koinpeito Shop. While there are advantages to going through the questline (it'll give you an opportunity to develop your Sushi Dog's personality, as well as a nice boost in CO), if you've got some KP burning a hole in your pocket, it certainly wouldn't hurt to give yourself a headstart in adventuring quests.

What Next?

Now that your sushi dog has a magic power for themselves, they can start earning virtue points from prompts!

Virtues are the four aspects making up a sushi dog's soul, and using one of these four virtues on adventures helps strengthen them, granting sushi dogs the spiritual power to grow in appearance, and even improve their magical prowess!

To learn more about virtue points and how to earn them, please click here to read the virtues guide.

Magic FAQ

Does my sushi dog need magic unlocked to do prompts?

No! However, your Sushi Dog needs a magic power in order to earn virtue points.

If you don't want to unlock a magic power for your Sushi Dog, you can still participate in prompts for Cookies.

Can my sushi dog have more than one magic power?
No! Your Sushi Dog can only have one magic power.
Can I change my sushi dog's magic power?

Yes! You can purchase a decadent tonic from Pommelraie's Salon to remove your soosh's existing magic power. You can then earn a new one either by completing the magic training questline again or by using an energizing tonic.

Do I have to finish the full questline all at once?

The magic questline can be completed at your leisure. You can finish it all at once if you prefer, or you can go several months between parts. It's your choice!

We do, however, recommend not completing the full questline at once, as one or more prompts may be rejected if they do not meet the requirements. For example, your part 1 prompt may be rejected because the magic power you've chosen does not fit into canon. If that were the case, and you had already drawn parts 2 and 3, you may have to start them all over!

Do sushi dogs keep their magic power after traded?

Yes. If someone unlocks a magic power for a sushi dog, then trades it, that sushi dog will still have the same magic power. If you aren't happy with the power they've come with, you may reset it with a decadent tonic and then earn a new one.

They do not, however, retain their quest progress if their previous owner had only partially completed the questline. For example, if the previous owner completed quests 1 and 2 before trading to you, you would have to start over from quest 1.