All Prompts

SBF - Spooky Sparkles (Pt.I)

SBF - Spooky Sparkles (Pt.I)

Ends: 29 May 2024, 23:59:59 EDT (4 weeks from now)

Just after we finished solving a theft - there's more happening! What could be going on?


✦ Spooky Sparkles ✦

April 1st - May 29th

Quest Giver: Pommelraie
"Everything’s just GONE. You know how much I love sparkles, glitter, everything that’s shiny and glows!  I came into my studio this morning and someone has taken absolutely everything! I have so many commission orders for the spring festival; how am I ever going to get it all done now?"

Sooshes all around town are noticing their shiny objects disappearing!
Some of the thefts make sense (priceless jewelry and coins) while others are just bizarre (bottle of glitter, pom-poms).

It’s striking everyone seemingly at random and only happens in the middle of the night, only for Sooshes to notice their objects are gone when they wake up in the morning.

Depict your soosh suddenly noticing a shiny and/or glittery object of theirs is missing. The item that’s missing itself must be depicted somehow, whether that’s in the form of a thought bubble, held checklist, or however you wish to show what it is your Soosh is searching for.

✦ Requirements ✦


 • Depict a scene that includes at least (1) of your own sooshes or an NPC

• Background with at least four unique objects fully visible MUST be included alongside a full body of your selected Soosh for this prompt to be accepted. 



Full-Body, Flat-Colored,

Minimum 1000 words


Eligible characters
Owned Sooshes, Cookie,
NPCs, & Non-owned Sooshes

Ineligible characters:
Retired Sooshes


✦ Rewards ✦

Base Reward

200 Cookies

100 Petals

Mushroom Log



Artwork Bonus:
+50 if you include shading (Expert Level)

Writing Bonus:
+50 if you write 1500 words

Character Bonus:
+50 if you include a non-owned Sushi Dog


Reward Amount
Cookies 200
Petals 100
Mushroom Log 1
SBF - Sparkling Shrines (Pt.II)

SBF - Sparkling Shrines (Pt.II)

Ends: 30 May 2024, 23:59:59 EDT (4 weeks from now)

Just after we finished solving a theft - there's more happening! What could be going on?


Hold it! This prompt has a prerequisite!
You must have an approved submission for the prompt "Spooky Sparkles" before entering this prompt.

✦ Sparkling Shrines ✦

April 1st - May 30th

Quest Giver: Bryn
"Someone is littering in my woods! I don’t know what weird new traditions the townsfolk have come up with for this year’s spring festival, but I’d really prefer if environmental destruction was not a part of it. Hopefully this is something you can take care of? I’m far too busy with preparations to deal with it myself."

Travelling through the woods to find this litter at night, your soosh has happened upon a very interesting sight.
There’s a group (of what looks like sentient mushrooms) building intricate shrines and offerings out of shiny and glittery everyday household materials.

Depict your Soosh coming across one of these shrines. What does it look like? What kinds of offerings are the mushroom creatures leaving in front of it? Remember, these things are made with shiny and glittery everyday household objects. Are they watching an entire ritual unfold right in front of their very eyes from the mushroom creatures?

✦ Requirements ✦


 • Depict a scene that includes at least (1) of your own sooshes or an NPC

• Background with at least four unique objects fully visible MUST be included alongside a full body of your selected Soosh for this prompt to be accepted. 

• Shrine must be included. Due to this, half-bodies are accepted for this prompt.



Half-Body, Flat-Colored,

Minimum 1000 words


Eligible characters
Owned Sooshes, Cookie,
NPCs, & Non-owned Sooshes

Ineligible characters:
Retired Sooshes


✦ Rewards ✦

Base Reward

250 Cookies

150 Petals

Blossoming Flower Ticket



Artwork Bonus:
+50 if you include shading (Expert Level)

Writing Bonus:
+50 if you write 1500 words

Pet Bonus:
+50 if you include an owned pet


Reward Amount
Cookies 250
Petals 150
Blossoming Flower Ticket 1
SBF - Satisfying Shroomi (Pt.III)

SBF - Satisfying Shroomi (Pt.III)

Ends: 31 May 2024, 23:59:59 EDT (4 weeks from now)

Just after we finished solving a theft - there's more happening! What could be going on?


Hold it! This prompt has a prerequisite!
You must have an approved submission for the prompt "Sparkling Shrines" before entering this prompt.

✦ Satisfying Shroomi ✦

April 1st - May 31st

Quest Giver: Ryder
"Well, can’t say I’ve personally seen this type of behaviour in mushrooms before. But I also can’t say I’ve ever encountered a sentient mushroom either. I wonder what sort of developmental behaviour must have occurred in their society for- never mind. That’s something for me to investigate at a later time. Doesn’t look like these critters are willing to give up their things without a fight and I don’t know about you, but worrying about hostile mushrooms isn’t really something extra I need on my plate at the moment."

As much as your Soosh wants to be respectful of other’s celebrations of the spring festival, theft from the commonfolk is also morally wrong. What type of trade deal can your Soosh organise with these mushrooms? Peace needs to be maintained between the two parties, otherwise the town’s own spring festivities may be placed in jeopardy.

Depict your Soosh coming to a resolution that will make both the mushrooms and the town satisfied. Get creative about how your Soosh can help them still perform their spring festival rituals while still getting everyone’s items back.

Do they hold a craft day where sooshes and mushrooms alike can make sparkly crafts together? Do they organise a standoff exchange where valuable items are traded for lesser value (but shinier) new items?

✦ Requirements ✦


 • Depict a scene that includes at least (1) of your own sooshes or an NPC

• Background with at least four unique objects fully visible MUST be included alongside a full body of your selected Soosh for this prompt to be accepted.



Full-Body, Flat-Colored,

Minimum 1000 words


Eligible characters
Owned Sooshes, Cookie,
NPCs, & Non-owned Sooshes

Ineligible characters:
Retired Sooshes


✦ Rewards ✦

Base Reward

350 Cookies

250 Petals

Mushroom Wonderland Patch

1 Random Shroomi



Artwork Bonus:
+50 if you include shading (Expert Level)

Writing Bonus:
+50 if you write 1500 words

Character Bonus:
+50 if you include a non-owned Soosh

Pet Bonus:
+50 if you include an owned pet


Reward Amount
Cookies 350
Petals 250
Mushroom Wonderland 1
Shroomi 1
SBF - Solving Series (Sub-Quests)

SBF - Solving Series (Sub-Quests)

Ends: 31 May 2024, 23:59:59 EDT (4 weeks from now)

The Shroomis have given your Soosh inspiration! Take on a craft, a new hobby, or finally solve why Shroomis are such little thieves!


Heads up! You can only submit to each sub quest once!
This prompt only allows 4 submissions total; 1 submission per sub quest.
Duplicate submissions to the same sub quest will be rejected.

Please remember which quests you have done before submitting!

✦ Solving Series ✦

May 1st - May 31st

Welcoming Weirdness

Onigiri: “Heya! I just popped into town for a visit since it's festival season. Oh, what's this? Uhhh, thank you. I'm sure there's a juicy backstory to this. Care to fill me in while I try to figure out how to get this home without breaking it?”

Your Soosh has given Onigiri one of the shiny ritual/shrine objects that the Shroomis have constructed as a souvenir for coming back and visiting everyone.

Create a real-life craft that is shiny or sparkly. It should be an actual craft like crochet with sparkles woven into the yarn, glitter art, etc.. Please submit an image that includes a piece of paper with your on-site username and date!

This prompt requires an IRL craft and is not eligible for writing.

Flowering Feelings

Edena: "Every flower has a symbol or meaning. By creating a beautiful bouquet or display using certain flowers, you can convey an entire message with someone else that only others who have learned the fine language of flowers can understand."

You’ve decided to take a flower arrangement class and learned so much about the meanings of flowers! For the festival, your soosh has decided to take a crack at making their own flower arrangement to liven up their living space.

Depict your Soosh creating a floral arrangement. The arrangement can take on any form (vase, archway, wreath, etc), but must include a variety of colours and flowers.

This prompt requires a floral arrangement with at least 5 unique aspects (greenery, container, accessories, etc.)

This prompt is eligible for writing!
It will need to have details for each flower or object, what they represent, and why your Soosh has chosen these specific features.

Hanabi's Handful

Hanabi: "We’ve received so many more submissions for this year’s bake-off compared to previous years! I’m, like, totally stoked, but I'm also afraid the display I made isn’t really designed for this many entries. The square footage just isn't it, you know?"

Hanabi went a bit too hard on advertising this year for entrants to the annual spring baking competition. An overflowing selection of baked goods and general treats are overflowing the display table.

Depict a new way of displaying the overflowing entries for the competition as they no longer all fit on the table. Does your Soosh just get a bigger table and call it a day? Or are they feeling a bit more creative? At least 5 different baked goods or treats must be depicted alongside the required background elements.

This prompt requires a scene with background elements featuring one of your sooshes or an NPC.

This prompt is eligible for writing!

Rowan's Research

Rowan: "I've had a lot of people come in saying that the Shroomis are out of control.
If I recall - they have a fondness for sparkly things because it's assumed their first sight was the magic that brought them to life... I think there is a solution to this."

Rowan digs around in his library before pulling out a field guidebook on different pets and species found in Culario. Most of it seems handwritten. He explains that Shroomis appreciate any and all things sparkly, but it doesn't make up for what they really love - magic!

Depict your Soosh or another showcasing a small magic trick - or a large one, if they have unlocked their magic power via the magic questline! Do they do a light show? Maybe they lift the Shroomis up? Either way, you'll have to figure out what will satiate them!

This prompt requires a scene with background elements featuring one of your sooshes or an NPC.

This prompt is eligible for writing!

✦ Requirements ✦


 • Each sub quest has requirements listed with the prompt text; refer to the above.

• Background with at least four unique objects fully visible MUST be included alongside a full body of your selected sooshes for this prompt to be accepted. 



Full-Body, Flat-Colored,

Minimum 1000 words


Eligible characters
Owned Sooshes, Cookie,
NPCs, & Non-owned Sooshes

Ineligible characters:
Retired Sooshes


✦ Rewards ✦

Base Reward

200 Cookies

100 Petals



Artwork Bonus:
+50 if you include shading (Expert Level)

Writing Bonus:
+50 if you write 1500 words

Character Bonus:
+50 if you include a non-owned Soosh

Pet Bonus:
+50 if you include an owned pet


Reward Amount
Cookies 200
Petals 100
4 results found.