Submission (#1664) Approved

8 January 2023, 03:52:43 EST (1 year ago)
8 January 2023, 15:51:03 EST (1 year ago) by PinkusDean


Here it is! Art piece with background and a friends soosh with 1000+ writing! c:

It was a nice overcast day at the circus. Just barely sprinkling. The smell of rain was for sure in the crisp air. Causing it to be less busy than it normally is. Eddie was enjoying the calm, stress less day. Inside his own little popcorn tent, lovely decorated with red and white stripes with popcorn streamers hanging around the tent. He was doing his normal popcorn making. Trying to figure out new combinations of popcorn. He was alone in his popcorn tent. Just about to start popping a fresh batch of buttery popcorn! He grabbed the bag of kernels and started to hum his favorite circus performance song to himself. Just as he was pouring the popcorn kernels into the pot he turned around and noticed some fresh popcorn there on the table! But that isn't right…he hasn't popped a new batch yet. Eddie stood there confused for a second. Maybe he forgot that he had already made popcorn? He turned around and poured the kernels into the popcorn maker. When he turned back around and there was more popcorn??? He was confused now. That definitely was NOT there before. He set the bag of kernels down and inspected the popcorn. It looked okay? He grabbed a piece and ate it. It also tasted okay? Nice and buttery piece of popcorn. Huh. He sat confused for a second inspecting the popcorn. He looked outside of his tent. Nobody nearby. He didn't think anybody could have placed popcorn that quickly and quietly for that matter and ran away without being seen. He Glanced around outside his tent one last time and he walked back inside to the table with the popcorn. This could be no prank. No way could somebody smuggle popcorn near Eddie without him noticing. He smiled at the seemingly magical appearing popcorn.
All of a sudden the popcorn machine started overflowing with popcorn causing pieces to fly everywhere. Eddie rushed over to the machine. No way he added THIS much popcorn! He panicked and started to shove pieces into his mouth. Leona was going to cry and be so disappointed in him for another popcorn fiasco! He started quickly eating the popcorn. Grabbing handfuls left and right. Eddie then started to laugh. Then, popcorn just appeared in his paw. He gasped. He inspected the popcorn and then tasted it. He smiled such a big smile and started laughing. Just then popcorn started to pop into existence all around him. Popcorn started to float in the air all around him. As popcorn started to fill all around him on the floor Eddie started to dance around with his popcorn. Eddie twirled around with his popcorn pointing his paws left and right causing popcorn to appear in the air and either fall to the ground or float around in the air along him.
Somewhere around the tent, a pink and brown colored sushi was approaching the popcorn tent. As she approached she saw the tent was spilling out with popcorn. She smiled to herself and shook her head and started to creep towards the popcorn tent. She was careful to try to not step on the popcorn and cause loud crunches. She tiptoed around the popcorn. She slowly approached the tent and peaked her head around the corner over a box of popcorn kernels and giggled to herself. Eddie was dancing and spinning around the tent singing his circus theme. The popcorn that was in the air was moving to the beats of Eddie's singing. After a while of dancing around in the popcorn Eddie plopped his little butt down on his very own popcorn throne. He discovered his very own power! Eddie could make popcorn appear out of thin air if he wanted and he could make them float all around him like a moon orbiting a planet. Eddie giggled to himself as he kept spawning popcorn in the air and making them dance around and above him. Popcorn was falling all over Eddie from the air just as much as new ones popped into the air. Most buttered, some white, some lightly salted, even some caramel corn in there. Whatever kind of popcorn he thought of there it was right around him. Eddie smiled happily and knew this was just what his circus needed. He could wait to show his little sister and best friend and figure out ways to incorporate this into his shows. Popcorn in the magic acts, popcorn in the animal shows, popcorn in the jesters act, the possibilities are endless! This would make creating new combinations of popcorn flavors so much more fun and different! Just the twang of news that Eddie needed.
Leona smiled as she just watched her older brother discover his very own powers. She looked at him with happiness and content. He seemed so genuinely happy. Having this special moment to himself. Leona smiled and she slowly snuck back away. Leaving Eddie to relish in his own new magic ability.
Eddie started to try and control where the popcorn went, it was very messy. He didn't have full control of this new magic yet. As popcorn kept appearing and floating around Eddie smiled and tried to shoot the popcorn towards things or make them form a pile.
He ran out of his popcorn tent with popcorn trailing behind him as he ran. Pieces were still spawning around him and popcorn was just flying everywhere. He giggled and he ran and hopped in the direction of his best friend's tent. Making some popcorn float into his mouth very messily as he ran. “Leona! Alexei!!! Guess what!!” His sister and best friend smiled standing outside of his tent as the cheerful circus boy hopped towards them with popcorn following him and leaving a long trail. Some smacked him in his face as he tried to float them into his mouth. All he did was smile and popcorn flooded and crashed into Leona and Alexei. They just giggled at the yellow sushi dog and started to play around and dance in the popcorn with Eddie.

and i tried added my friends soosh that I included in the drawing but the add characters section says she cant be found, but here is the sooshs link!


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Thumbnail for MYO-643: Spooky Circus Popcorn

MYO-643: Spooky Circus Popcorn

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Magic Points (Currencies) 1


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