Submission (#1914) Approved

25 March 2023, 04:58:52 EDT (1 year ago)
25 March 2023, 06:48:18 EDT (1 year ago) by Radio


Magic mastery prompt for my boy eddie! He has creation magic. He can create his flavors of popcorn!!

It has been a few days since Eddie left Spicy Village. Ryder had sent him with a map to prevent him from getting lost, while it helped forsure, Eddie still got lost in Eddie fashion. He had to stop at other towns and ask for directions and help with his map. This time he didn’t have Seong-Su with him to help show him the way like how he did on his way to the spicy village. Eddie did not travel much, for this exact reason. He was only around 5 minutes away from his circus now and just couldn’t wait to get home and see his friends and family. With every step he took though, he heard a slight commotion growing louder and louder. He started to pick up his pace, and as his circus came into view he could tell the loud commotion was coming from there. He was now running to try and figure out why his circus was such a commotion. He could see some smoke surrounding his circus and he instantly got worried and he picked up his pace.
As he ran in the circus he found Alexei right near the front. “Alexei what the heck is going on?” His friend grabbed the side of his cheeks and booped their noses together. “EDDIE. We ran OUT of popcorn! OUT. OF. POPCORN. EDDIE!” He screeched. Eddie could tell his friend was really worried and stressed about this. He never really screams like this ever, as he's mostly a calm and collected guy. These last few weeks must have been stressful.
“Turns out when you are here constantly making it it does indeed sell out crazy fast and none of us really have the magic touch for the recipes like you do.” He was talking so fast the words were just barely legible. “AND everytime we cook it we burn it--i can make the most complex cookies in history but popcorn is where my talent draws the line.” He is sputtering out clearly distressed. Bits of the burnt popcorn remnent remains on Alexeis fur. Eddie started to chuckle. He was happy to be home because his circus was clearly in a crisis.
“Okay okay okay--hang on, I think maybe I can handle this.” Eddie said and clamped his paws together. “Alright, take me to the problem area.” He trotted behind his friend leading him towards his own popcorn tent. The closer they got the smell of burnt popcorn coated the air. He wrinkles his nose at the smell. It was horrifying to him to know this much of his precious popcorn had burnt and gone to waste. Just as they reached his popcorn tent his sister caught sight of him and ran up to him. “EDDIE! Oh thanks to the soosh heavens. I'm so glad you're back. How was your trip?” She started to ask him and Alexei smiled at his girlfriend, in the most loving way.
“We don't really have the time for this--” Her cheeks flushed and she nodded and Eddie went to his popcorn machines, he dumped the burnt popcorn and kernels in the trash and threw fresh kernels in all the machines. Just then he instantly had an idea. After all his training he should have the ability to create the popcorn as well for extra….and they'd be calorieless…right? He was nervous in front of all of the other sooshes nearby watching him. But the public needed his precious popcorn. Eddie closed his eyes and focused. He took deep breaths like Ryder showed him how to, and then popcorn started to appear all around him and his friends. Falling from all around in the sky. He smiled and just then thousands of little pieces of popcorn of all different flavors started to appear all around him. Eddie opened his eyes proudly and was so excited to show everyone what he can do. Alexei and Leona smiled and gasped. “Oh my gosh Eddie you did it! You learned how to make your popcorn appear on command!!” She cheered for her older big brother. “Spicy village was able to help after all!” Eddie cheered and so did the other circus visitors as their popcorn needs were now allowed to be satisfied. They all cheered his name, clearly excited the circus leader was back. All of them very excitedly grabbed their desired popcorn flavors from Eddie.
“It is so nice to be home--” He said and he kept popping his popcorn all around him, all different kinds of his wonderful flavors. His best selling flavors, and even the ones that most other sooshes think of gross. He was so happy that he could finally control his power.
Little while after the circus closed for the night, Eddie was sweeping up the burnt popcorn and his own creation popcorn. He has some help from Leona and Alexei as well. “I'm so proud of you Eddie.” His sister said to him and he trotted over and put a paw on his shoulder. “I know it wasn't easy for you to leave the circus to us, and it may not have gone the best but I'm glad I was able to help you Eddie.” He smiled at his little sister. He knew she was always supportive of him, even if he was an airhead most of the time. So was Alexei.
“It wasn't easy at first…Ryder had his hands full. And my powers still do randomly happen without control, but I can make it appear any time I want now.” He was smiling. He was so glad he had supportive friends. Later on that night as Eddie settled in his tent for the night, he remembered the good times he had with Ryder. He already had thought about planning a visit back to the spicy village to visit his mentor. To really thank him with some of his fancied popcorn to really thank him for all he's done. He smiled as he closed his eyes to finally get some well needed rest in his own bed.


Reward Amount
Squishy Cheeks 1
Cookies 200


Thumbnail for NPC-005: Ryder

NPC-005: Ryder

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MYO-643: Spooky Circus Popcorn

MYO-643: Spooky Circus Popcorn

Reward Amount
Magic Points (Currencies) 1
Thumbnail for GST-132: Circus Cookies

GST-132: Circus Cookies

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Robotic-Sparks's Bank

Currency Quantity