Submission (#2054) Approved

16 May 2023, 00:55:35 EDT (1 year ago)
20 May 2023, 10:32:26 EDT (1 year ago) by Radio


Submission for Bryn's Behavior subquest!!

The town has been crazy lately! Plants walking around grabbing sooshes and some even throwing birthday parties! After hearing about all the commotion Fazzy decides to head into town to try and help everybody else. Even though some might say his “help” isn't needed. The helpful soosh is always there to lend a helping paw. Fazzy was meeting his friends Jeepers and Fiero at the town square, some extra help always does one some good! He reaches the fountain at town square and sits at the edge of it. Broken pot pieces and trash lay about the usually normal town square. Fazzy started digging up at the pot pieces and started to collect them together. He started to “put” the pot back together.
“Uh Fazzy? I don’t think that's going to work.” Fazzy looks up from his work to see His friends walkin over to him. Both Jeepers and Fiero. He smiled and jumped up at them. “Hey guys!!!” he giggles and has the biggest goofiest smile on his face. “You never know, we can always use all of this to make something new, like necklaces!!” Jeepers giggled at his small friend and ruffled his hair and hat on his head. “I do have an idea on how we can help today.”
“Oh, what's that?” The green and grey soosh Fiero spoke, with his little lamb companion softing napping on his back. “Well,” jeepers began. “Word around town is that a soosh named Bryne has come up with ideas on how to stop the chaos around here with these plants. We should go see her.” Fazzy nodded, and began to follow his friends. “How do we know where she is?” He asked, tilting his head. Fiero smiled at his friend, making a sound in agreement with him. As if asking the question too.
“I heard that she is somewhere around here. Let's just walk around and find out.” They hopped around looking until they started to notice this green mist. They decide to follow it, thinking it has to have something to do with this whole plant mess.
“Have you guys ever seen….green mist? Like this….before?” Fazzy asked in a curious tone. The other sooshes shook their heads at the question. All walking towards a….cave? In the distance. As they hid their nervousness of the dark misty cave, just then a female soosh that they had recognized walked around the corners of the cave. “Chalice!” Fazzy yelled and ran to hug the soosh. Chalice was not the biggest fan of hugs but she knew how important they were to Fazzy. Even if they weren't the closest she did always reserve a hug for the excitable soosh. Though she’d never start it. And honestly? He’d hug anybody or anything anyway.
“Are you here to figure out what's going on too? “Fazzy asked. Chalice nodded as she greeted her brother Jeepers. “Eddie sent me. As much fun as having plants invade the circus and destroy everything in their waking path, I really think it's time for them to go.” They all nodded in agreement and slowly crept their way into the cave filled with green mist.
“So! Who wants to explore up ahead first?” Fazzy asked the others. Fiero shrugged and walked ahead of everybody. As they crept closer they started to hear this faint noise. A growl? An animal of some sort perhaps? Bear? They all stopped and stood silently. Just listening to the noise. Worried it may be something aggressive.
“Wait….” Jeepers said. He crept forwards careful to stay quiet and tiptoe. Giant pink fluffy ears slowly come into view, “Guys it's Bryn!” He cheered for them. “But, she's asleep?” The sooshes crept closer to the sleeping figure. Jeepers adjusted his hat. “Should we…wake her up?” He asked, looking around at the others. Chalice walked over to the sleeping sushi dog. “Well if she is the way to help us clean this mess, she needs to wake up.” Fiero and Jeepers stepped in front of her. “Wait! What if something goes wrong with waking her up? Look at her, she is twitching and stuff. This could be bad news bears.”
“Exactly why we should wake her up.” She said bluntly. Fazzy looked around at the smoke. It seemed to be originating from….Bryne? “Guys.” Fazzy spoke but to no avail.
“What happens if we dont wake her then? She can't help us all figure out how to fix everything?”
“Guys!” Fazzy said louder this time. “Look, the green stuff looks like it's coming from her. Like, it's just circling around her.” They all turned their attention towards the sleeping gal and saw what Fazzy was noticing. “Huh. What does THAT mean?” Jeepers asked out loud to his friends. They all sat and wondered for a moment.
“Oh.” Chalice spoke. “Oh?” Fiero repeated her statement. “Yeah, oh.” His eye slightly twitched. “No-- I mean.” he took a sigh. “ Why, Oh?”
“Oh because I think I understand what the others meant when they said ‘Bryne can help’.” She spoke. “I'm pretty sure, all the plant chaos and stuff that's happening around here, are because of Bryne.”
“Because of her? What does that mean?” Feiro asked, slightly irritated, not at Chalice but at this whole experience in general.
“I think--at least how I'm taking the explanation--I think that is what is causing the problems here. I think it's her dream. It looks like it's a very active one too based on her twitching. It must be coming out into the real world here from her dreams.” Chalice explained to the other sooshes who looked just absolutely confused beyond belief. “Come on. Just help me wake her up.” The group of sooshes gently tapped, rubbed, and shook Bryne to try and wake her as nicely as they could. After all, who would want to be woken up from their nap by a bunch of strangers?
“Miss Bryne? Could you please wake up? Miss Bryn?” Fazzy asked softly as he gently tapped her forehead. “Please wake up. Plants are attacking everything.” Bryne gently fluttered her eyes open.
“Oh! She's waking up!” Jeepers said and he walked around to be next to Fazzy. “Hello--uh. Good morning--er, afternoon?”
“Oh my!” The pink soosh suddenly said as she jolted her head upwards. “How long have I been asleep here?”
“We aren't quite sure about that buuuuttt……plants are kind of…walking around? All over the place?” Jeepers said trying to sound nice and avoid the fact they are causing havoc.
“Don’t forget the destroying everything part.” Fazzy said, giving a giant grin to the confused soosh.
“The what part!?”
“What?? It's true!”
“Oh my gosh I did it again didn't i?” Bryn asked the group of sooshes.
“Wait. AGAIN?!”


Reward Amount
Cookies 350
Petals 250


Thumbnail for NPC-007: Bryn

NPC-007: Bryn

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for OFF-367: Pumpkin Seeds

OFF-367: Pumpkin Seeds

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Robotic-Sparks's Bank

Currency Quantity