Submission (#2057) Approved

16 May 2023, 23:06:15 EDT (1 year ago)
20 May 2023, 10:32:41 EDT (1 year ago) by Radio


Submission for purminas patience :)

Fazzy just sighed at his tent destroyed by walking, screaming, crazed plants. His plushie display had been knocked over and completely ruined. Some of his precious plushies even had dirt on them! Darn these ridiculous plants…that walk, and talk. Why is that again? Fazzy leaned down and started to pick up his life's work and toss them onto his bed. He sighed. “Oh Sundrop….” He looked at his favorite plush with a big mud stain right across his face. Fazzy was almost tearing up at the sight of his beloved Sundrop.
“Okay, I have to get to the bottom of…whatever the heck is happening around here.” He set his best friend down on his pillow and patted him on the head. He stepped out of his tent to find the leader of the circus himself. He’d have a good idea where to start. He trotted his way along the circus tents. Carefully peeking inside each one to try and spot the circus leader himself. Tent, no luck, tent, no luck, tent no luck. He sighed. How long is this going to take, I mean where is he? He trotted over to the popcorn tent, the soosh was most often in this tent of popcorn wonder. Not today though, in all of the havoc of this morning's attack the popcorn tent was trampled and left in ruins. The lovely plant visitors had eaten all of the popcorn in the popcorn tent. Every last kernel.
“I just don't understand WHY oh WHY my popcorn!!!” Fazzy lifted his ears. Ah yes, just follow the cries and he’ll find him. Fazzy headed around back to behind the popcorn tent and there he spotted the leader of the Circus, along with his girlfriend. “Oh! Eddie! Chalice!” He trotted over to them. They were both covered in bits of leftover half eaten popcorn. It all looked sticky.
“What can we do for you Fazzy?” Eddie asked him first as he and his significant other picked popcorn off of each other. “You know the crazy plants that came through?” Eddie sighed and closed his eyes. Tearing up thinking about his popcorn. “Sorry, sorry, rough memories. MY POPCORN!” He says loudly. Chalice shakes her head.
“Eddie, we will buy more popcorn kernels and we’ll replace everything. Don’t worry. Everything will be back to normal before you know it.” She gave him a tiny smile, a rare occurrence to see as she rarely smiled. She booped his nose. He smiled back and nodded.
“I know, it still sucks! This was all set up and collected for years now!” He said. “Anyway Fazzy. You were asking about the plants?”
“Yeah, I was hoping you may know anything about them or what's causing them?” He asked the circus leader, giving his biggest puppy eyes he could. The circus leader shook his head at the younger soosh. “Sorry fazzy, I haven't the faintest clue.”
“Well, Fazzy?” Chalice spoke softly towards the excitable soosh slowly getting disappointed. “In my travels I've heard rumors of a Celestial soosh who can control plant life. I believe it's burn? Bryn? Something along those lines. If you want to learn about what's happening, asking about her is a good place to start.” Fazzy nodded at Chalice, she always did seem so smart.
“Thank you guys. I’ll be off now.” They nodded at him. “Please let us know anything you find Fazzy. These plants have just broken Eddie's heart.”
Fazzy heading towards the Circus entry to start to head around and ask other sooshes about this soosh who can control plant life. He figured his first stop should be visiting his friend Lovino at the restaurant he's always hanging out at. He skipped his way to the restaurant and stopped at places where the plant's havoc had reached. Guess the circus wasn't the only place that the plants had found and turned into a play zone. He finally got a view of his destination and started to pick up the pace. He never could know if a plant was lurking nearby. He sped into the doors of the restaurant and glanced around for his friend. Spotting him at the counter eating pancakes as usual he hopped on the tall stools next to his friend.
“Lovino!” He smiled. “How are you doing?”
His friend smiled widely, “Fazzy!!! Nice to see you, Crazy stuff going around huh?” He said as he shoved more pancakes in his mouth. Fazzy smiled and nodded. Lovinos girlfriend Cherry was also in the restaurant with them. She was eating the fruit off of Lovinos pancakes. Their tails intertwined together. They were hardly ever apart, they have been together as long as Fazzy's known Lovino.
“Hi Cherry! Yeah stuff has been wild. That's actually why I'm here. Do either of you know anything about a celestial soosh who can control plants?” Fazzy asked as the waiter soosh brought him a malt milkshake, his regular. Vanilla.
“Oh! Yeah, Bryn. She can control plant life! It's really cool, I learned about her from a friend who met her during their travels.” She said happily.
“You know, Fazzy, I bet Seong-Su has met her, or at the very least heard of her during his travels.” Lovino said between bites of loaded pancakes. Cherry nodded in agreement. “Oh yeah I didnt think about that! You’re right!” She put her paw in the air in agreement.
“I don’t think he's around right now, from his travels I mean. He visits but I'm pretty sure he's traveling right now.” He said, taking a sip of his malt. He glanced around the place. Luckily it seems this place missed out on the havoc, at least the inside did. Outside is a different story. Fazzy finished his malt, having small talk with Lovino and Cherry.
“Oh and Fazzy? She shouldn't be hard to find. I’ve heard lots of sooshes going to see her. You could always try and find her?” She suggested. Fazzy thought to himself for a bit.
“You guys may be right, I think it's a good idea.” He left some money on the counter and hopped off his stool, and smiled at his friends. “Thanks for the help guys, I think she may be able to help out with these rogue plants. I'm gonna talk with some friends and see what we can do.”


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Petals 250



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