Submission (#2066) Approved

19 May 2023, 00:46:35 EDT (1 year ago)
20 May 2023, 10:33:03 EDT (1 year ago) by Radio


Hello this is my submission for Bryn's Bad Dream! I also wanted to say sorry for misgendering Bryn before. I didn't realize they had a description until my friend pointed it out to me!
Fazzy looked around at his group of friends. They had all just woken up Byrn from his apparent plant nightmare. He soon rushed off to help the mess he assumed. Jeepers, Chalice, and Fiero just sort of stared blankly at each other.
“So uh, what now?” Fazzy asked his friends. “We can always go back to town and help everyone and Bryn clean up too?” They all nodded in agreement and started heading out of the cave. The green mist started to dissipate. Fazzy skipped along the side of Fiero.
“I was not expecting that when soosh said Bryn was the help for the plant chaos, that he was also the reason for it!” He said with a surprised tone. “I mean who would've thought?” They slowly made their way towards town. The crumbling effects of the destruction slowly piece by piece coming into view. Terracotta pot pieces scattered all around town, as the plants seemed to shed their pots as they got more wild. Fazzy still wanted to collect the pieces of the pots to try and create something for Eddie for his circus.
“I wonder just what his dream was anyway.” Chalice spoke softly as they trotted towards town. “I mean, there must have been something wild for all of our plants to come to life and have their own party.” She said as her hat flowed in the wind, she was never really without the thing, at least as far as Fazzy knew.
“Maybe he was like a superhero fighting against evil crime loving plants!” Fazzy exclaimed. He did a mini superhero move mid skip. “And his ears were like his major weapons of defense. AND AND his flowers on his tail? The only good plantlife left around, and he used them to help save sooshmanity.” Fazzy kept rambling really fast about his ideas of the superhero bryn.
Feiro scoffed and laughed at the imaginative soosh. “No honestly? It was probably killer plants that came for revenge on us soosh for not watering them enough! They have come to capture us and steal our water!” Fazzy gasped in horror, taking his friend seriously. Jeepers suddenly budded in.
“Hey come on, you know he scares easily. Be kind to your friend.” He said scooting towards Fazzy as they walked. “He's only kidding you know. Besides, I like the superhero idea much better.” He spoke and smiled down at his friend. “Maybe he is a witch. A friendly kind, the kind who makes potions of healing and brings plants to life to help us soosh out.” He said thinking of his idea of the dream. “And maybe one of the potions make all his helper plants go rogue and want to party with everything as opposed to helping him out with his works.” He said and Chalice chuckled at that one.
“Don't forget love potions, he must make them too. To help others fall in love. He can work with me.” She said keeping a stern look but clearly joking in her own….Chalice way. Jeepers laughed at his sister's additions to his guess of Bryn’s dream. Fazzy lifted his head and laughed.
“You’re right, I do like this one much better. I think witches are cool! They remind me of Chalice and her stuffs. “ Fazzy had spoken as he continued to skip again. “And after Bryn realized the plants took the wrong potion by mistake, he got instantly worried and tried to fix the error he caused. But by then the plants already had their party hats on ready to cause chaos.” He added to the silly story they were all making. Fiero finally budded in, now on board with this story. “Can at least some of the plants steal some hoses and spray sooshes with water?”
“.....yes.” They all said in unison and giggled at each other. They slowly reach the outskirts of the town.
“Guess we should start picking up huh?” Jeepers look to his friends, seeing them all nod. Fazzy started with the pieces of terracotta pots, as chalice started to sweep up bits of broken glass with her tail. Fiero started to group some of the plants up into his arms and place them on his back.
“And at the end? How does it end?” Fazzy asked the others as he set some pieces of terracotta pots on a table, for him to take home later. “There's got to be a way that Bryn tames the plants. A happy way. That way the plants can stay and still have fun, but be a little less destructive in their party.” He said hopeful, deciding it would be sad if all these plants suddenly stopped existing.
“Don’t worry Fazzy, I'm pretty sure Bryn will help out with the plants without making them go away.” Jeepers spoke to his friend as he helped out picking up party hats and other party supplies. “Where did they even get this party stuff anyway?” He mumbled not expecting a real answer, more so just talking out loud. “Somewhere, a party store is out thousands.” He ripped some streamers off of the fountain in the middle of the town.
“Maybe he just….talks to them. Make them understand they can't destroy so much. They can be our friends, our companions now. We can all help take care of them. That is if Bryn wants us to.” Chalice said not looking in their direction.
“I'd be happy to help!” Fazzy cheered.
Jeepers smiled at his friends. “I would too.” He looked around at the town, sure they had their work cut out for them, but plants around town would certainly bring in some life. Maybe they could even help everyone out with some things.
“Well hello sooshes.” The group turned around to see Bryn standing with some plants hanging around him. One hiding behind his leg as if shy.
“Oh Bryn! It's you!” Fazzy spoke as he put more pieces of terracotta on his table spot. Bryne nodded. “I saw you guys come back into town, and start helping clean. I wanted to thank you for earlier. Helping wake me up, sometimes my nightmares can spur that negative energy outwards and sort of create chaos.” He rubbed the backs of his ears. “Some of the plants wanted to come over and say sorry.” The shy plant from earlier came around Bryns leg and walked over to the group of cleaning sooshes. The plant seemed to make some sort of noise, and then suddenly it flowered up. The sooshes all gasped in awe as they witnessed the plant show its true self to them all. “I think this is gonna be so cool.” Fazzy said with starry eyes.


Reward Amount
Cookies 350
Petals 250


Thumbnail for NPC-007: Bryn

NPC-007: Bryn

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for OFF-367: Pumpkin Seeds

OFF-367: Pumpkin Seeds

Reward Amount


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Robotic-Sparks's Bank

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