Submission (#2069) Approved

20 May 2023, 02:29:35 EDT (1 year ago)
20 May 2023, 10:33:19 EDT (1 year ago) by Radio


This one is for Ryder's... what? c:

It was a lovely bright sunny day. Seong-Su came back into town to visit his friends after he heard about all this plant commotion. Besides, it was about time he paid his brother and his best friend a visit anyway. It had been several months since his last visit. He was wandering with his cart all backed up trailing behind him as he saw the horizon ahead of him. The town was close! He’d be there soon. As he got closer to the town he could see tons of the community cleaning the mess the town seemed to achieve while he was gone. As Seong-su came into the town he immediately headed for Eddie's circus, as that's where he stayed while he was in town. He glanced around at everything as he walked towards his destination. He saw some destruction, but by the sounds of it, it's much better than it had been. He also noticed some plants and little creatures helping out the soosh cleaning.
He notices a tiny little yellow creature. It appeared to be fluffy from the looks of it. The little creature waddled over towards him. The thing was basically just a head with smol legs. It was adorable. It seemed to have flowers in his fur, or maybe it was a part of his fur. He didn't know, he loved it anyway.
“Well, hello little fella.” Seong-Su reached down and patted the little thing on the head. “Now what on earth are you?” He lifted the creature up into his arms and just stared at it. As he inspected the adorable creature it tiled its head sideways at him. He made a sound one couldn’t describe as the creature's adorable ness cut into his heart. His eyes practically turned into hearts, “I’m not sure what you are but I love you.” He said as he hugged the small creature who seemed to giggle in response. Seong-Su set his new little friend on his back and carried on towards the circus to visit his friends and family. He trotted as he peacefully listened to the creature babble on in its own way about something. Seong-su smiled and kept up his pace, wondering what the little guy was saying.
The circus starts to come into view. He can see the tops of the tents start to appear over the horizon. The red and white striped tents stood over the horizon as if it was the only thing in existence. Seong-su knew how much Eddie loved this view of his circus. He was always so proud of his friend to make such a place by himself. He takes everyone and everything in, Seong-Su always admired that about his friend. He neared the circus and his new little companion seemed to get excited about the new place. He jumped from Seong-su’s shoulders and booked it towards the circus.
“Whoa--Hey little buddy, come back!” He instantly ran after the little creature. His cart clattering behind him at the sudden change of pace. “I can run the fastest with this cart around me!” He hurried along as fast as he could, the creature seemingly a few steps ahead of him. As he got close up to the circus he discovered that this place too must have been a target of the plant chaos. He ran into the circus and moved over to the side and unhooked his traveling cart from himself. Then continued his journey to find his new friend.
“Seong-Su!!” He turned his head to see his lively brother rushing towards him to give him the biggest hug ever known to soosh. “So glad to see you, little brother!” Suddenly Seong-Su was engulfed in fluffy pink fur.
“Akira!! Nice to see you again too!” He said as he returned his brother's hug but kept his eyes scanning everywhere to try and find his small puffy friend. The hug ended and Seong-Su kept glancing around for any sign of the creature.
“Now if i didn’t know any better little brother i'd think you're distracted.” Akira spoke instantly, picking up on his younger brother's distraction.
“Oh sorry Akira it's not you! I found this little creature at the town, and I brought them with me but they seemed to have wandered off here in the circus.” He and his brother started to make their ways around to see if they couldn't find the creature.
“What’s it look like?” Seong-su heard his brother ask as he walked out of one of the food tents.
“He's small, really puffy, and yellow. Has flowers in…or a part of its fur.” He sounded confused. “You know actually I’m not even sure what the little fella is yet. I haven't seen anything like it. “ Akira nodded at his brother's statements and peaked around behind some boxes of supplies.
“Oh! Hello there. So you’re what my baby brother is after huh? You are kinda cute I gotta say.” Akira scooped the little yellow puff who seemed to be giggling at his attempt at hide and seek. He won. The small creature crawled all over Akira, finally landing his resting spot on his fluff on top of his head. Seemingly ready to fall asleep already. “I think he likes me.” Akira chuckled, wandering over to where his brother stood. Bumping him with his hip.
“Seong-Su! Akira! So good to see you both!!!” The circus leader soosh, Eddie ran towards the two and pulled them both into a hug. Squeezing them tightly. “I'm so glad you both came into town for a visit! Things have been pretty crazy around here. Oh hey I see you found one of the new plant friends.” Eddie smiled and pat the creature on its head.
“Yeah, do you know what he is? I found him in town and thought he was so cute I had to take him with me.” Seong-Su answered as the little yellow ball of energy hopped back onto his back. He smiled.
“I've heard folks around calling those yellow ones Puffpy I think it was.” Eddie answered as they walked towards his beloved popcorn tent. “Lots of the smaller flower type ones, the uh…Oopsie-Daisy’s are helping clean up the popcorn tent now that things are all back to normal with Bryn.” He waved them over inside the tent. Once Seong-su went in he saw dozens of little flowers with faces picking up pieces of burnt, half eaten, or just gross popcorn pieces scattered along the ground. “Ever since Bryn woke up, all the plants have agreed to help us all around here. And looks like you found yourself a new traveling companion.” Eddie patted Seong-Su on the back and gave the Puffpy another pat on the head. “He may be a little playful at times, but these guys mean no harm!”


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