Submission (#2084) Approved

27 May 2023, 22:59:31 EDT (1 year ago)
29 May 2023, 04:48:04 EDT (1 year ago) by Radio


Submission for the Pommelraie's Parade!
It was a nice and breezy summer day, the sun was shining nice and warm and the breeze offered a nice cooling. The tree leaves and bushes were peacefully ruffling from the wind. It was celebration day! They were having a mini parade in the town square, with a huge float. Seong-Su was still in town from his visit after the plant chaos. He was headed into town with his brother for the celebration. Who had convinced him to stay long enough to celebrate the joining of the plants into the town. Seong-Su still had his little puffpy by his side, figuring what better to bring to the celebration. Akira is happily bouncing at his side, he was chatting all night about how excited he was to see the float that was planned. There were rumors going around about it, noted to be covered in all kinds of flowers. Some even said it had wings, that it could fly. Seong-Su doubted that it could fly but he was curious nonetheless.
“Aren't you excited little brother?” Akira said, bumping shoulders into Seong-Su. He snorted in return, playfully nudging him back. “Of course I am, I want to see what kind of flowers are on this ‘all flower’ Float.” He happily started to trot and bounce next to his brother, picking up their pace towards town.
“Where should we set up camp? Eddie said he and Chalice would join us later--closer to the start of the parade.” Seong-Su asked his brother. “Oh! Akira how about over here?” He trotted to a spot on the grass in the shade. “Right here next to the candy store!” He beamed brightly towards his older brother.
“Nice spot little brother! Lets save a decent amount, I think Eddie and Chalice are bringing more friends.” Akira spoke as he started to unfold one of their sitting blankets. Seong-Su started to do the same. He started to brush some fallen leaves and sticks out of the way with his tail. “Who all is gonna come, do you think?” He asked as he helped lay out some more blankets, also setting his picnic basket down. He made some snacks for everyone. It was, after all, his favorite thing to do.
“They should all start showing up soon, honestly.” Akira started to look around in the crowd that was building up. Seong-su started to look around as well, trying to catch sight of any of his friends. Just then he caught sight of the popcorn covered soosh. “Ah there he is! Eddie! Over here!” He waved his paws around in the air. The circus soosh noticed him and waved back, he looked both ways to cross the street and started heading over with other sooshes trailing behind him. Eddie and Chalice were in front, with Jeepers and Fazzy close behind them. Seong-Su also noticed Fiero, Billie, and Leona in the back. Akira was right, Eddie has brought many sooshes to share this time with. He was excited for everyone to be together.
The sooshs all intertwined and said their hellos hurrying to sit down as the float should make its appearance soon. Seong-Su sat down next to his brother, with Eddie and Chalice snuggled together next to them. All were feasting on the lovely food Seong-Su had made for everyone.
“Seong-Su, your food is just amazing.” Chalice said after taking a huge bite of her food. She smiled and took another chomp. “You should teach Eddie your recipes, not that weird popcorn flavors aren't….good.”
“Guys, look, it's starting!” Fazzy shouted over everyones chatter. Seong-Su looked over towards where Fazzy was pointing and it was true. Sooshes came out and started to commerce. One of the sooshes was Pommelraie. Something looked…off. “What do you think is happening?” Seong-su turned and asked Akira. He shrugged. “I'm not sure, want to go find out?” He stood and didn't wait for an answer as he trotted over causing Seong-su to hop up and scurry after his brother.
“Hello Pommelraie, what seems to be the problem?” Akira led with as the two brothers made it over to the commotion. Pommelraie looked slightly stressed about something. “The Soosh who were due to ride in the float canceled this morning….we aren't sure what to do.” She rubbed the back of his neck. “We need to find soosh who are willing to ride in the float in the next five minutes.”
“Me and my brother Seong-Su will do it!” Akira instantly volunteered. Putting his pink and white arm around his brother. “We will?” Seong-Su asked, surprised.
“Yeah! I mean why not? You always love to help.”
“I do, yes.”
“Oh my gosh would you two? That would be such a big help.” Pommelraie basically pleaded. The two nodded happily. “If you are okay with it we will happily help.” Seong-Su said, rolling his eyes at his brother. Pommelraie clapped her hands and led the sooshes to the float. Seong-Su gasped. The float was huge, and all of the rumors really were true. The float was absolutely covered in flowers. A huge throne big enough for two sat in the middle right at the top.Giant yellow sunflowers littered the top of the float. With small white daisies surrounding them. Along the side of the float where two giant bird wings sat. Seong-Su wondered if they really could be used to make the float fly. Along the side of the giant bird wings were several kinds of flowers. Multi Colored wildflowers, pink and blue hyacinths, yellow and white daisies, purple and white lilacs, and pink and purple and white rose-of-sharon flowers. Between each and every flower was dozens of colorful sparkles. If the paint was visible it was decorated in a painting of kinds of flowers with sparkly paint overtop of it. The throne that sat atop of the float has a beautifully pink velvet cushion. The throne itself is painted white to blend easier with the flowers. Several of the plant friends were also in the float. On the arm rests of the throne sat two Oopsie-Daisys.
Seong-su and Akira carefully made their way and settled themselves onto the throne. They sat waiting for the float to come out and be revealed to the whole town. Once singlened the float started moving outwards into the light for everyone to see. Both brothers started waving to all the sooshes they passed by. Seong-Su caught sight of his friends and waved extra hard at them.
“Hey guys!!!” He gave the biggest smile he could, happy that Akira offered for them to do this. Akira was doing the same just seemingly with more body language. Suddenly the float started to shake. Seong-Su stopped waving and started looking down at the float. Just as he was about to question it to his brother the float lifted higher off the ground and the wings spread completely out. Flowers petals then started to flutter out of the wings and fly around all around the float and the sooshes surrounding it. The petals were pink and white. The float made it to its stopping point, and as it did everyone rushed over to admire the beautiful float. Seong-Su and Akira waved and cheered at all the sooshes surrounding them. The float was the most gorgeous thing he had seen, and to know it was put together with plants and soosh alike. The Oopsie-Dasiys hopped down and ran towards some sooshed he didn’t know and he smiled. His Puffpy still close to his side.


Reward Amount
Cookies 350
Petals 250


Thumbnail for NPC-006: Pommelraie

NPC-006: Pommelraie

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for GST-240: Bibimbap

GST-240: Bibimbap

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Robotic-Sparks's Bank

Currency Quantity