Submission (#2619) Approved

5 October 2023, 11:50:18 EDT (11 months ago)
7 October 2023, 17:38:00 EDT (11 months ago) by PinkusDean


Foghar flipped through the pages of the book that Purnima had left him. Already he could see that the contents would only lead to more arguing. The weathered pages of the ancient tome described a Harvest Festival filled with natural elements- candles and cornucopias, pumpkins and gourds, leaves and berries.

Nocte's ideas... well they certainly wouldn't line up with the descriptions in this book. Nocte had excitedly pulled him aside after the Harvest Festival committee had been named and described some of her thoughts. Nocte wanted to push for more color, more sparkle, and more, as she put it, "cuteness." While Nocte's ideas weren't bad, Foghar knew Purnima would have none of it. Nocte was so kind and bright. He feared that Purnima would put out that light before anyone even had to chance to agree with Nocte's ideas.

Foghar gently closed the book and pondered what to do. He had been nominated as part of the Harvest Festival committee along with Purnima, Nocte, and a few others... something he was starting to begrudge. He loved the Harvest Festival. His name even meant "Autumn" in an ancient language, but was all the fighting that was sure to happen truly worth being a part of the planning of his favorite event?

Foghar huffed a sigh and slipped the book into his bag. Best to not be late for the meeting either way. Only time would tell if both the Harvest Festival and Purnima and Nocte's relationship could be saved. Before he had even reached the tent set up for the decorating committee, he could hear Purmina yelling.

"*It’s tradition! Built on the lore and struggles of our ancestors! To have access to recorded décor rituals inside an ancient book kept safely tucked away in the archives of this very library is a privilege. To be able to follow the instructions laid out before us and keep our culture alive is an honor.*"

While perhaps Foghar agreed, conflict was not something he was fond of. He shook his head. He had known this would happen, he just hadn't expected to walk right into the middle of it.

"*But it's the same thing year after year...*" Nocte sighed quietly.

*Oh Nocte, don't give in.* Foghar thought to himself.

Foghar took a deep breath and walked through the doorway of the tent. All heads turned to him as he trotted over to the group.

"Finally! Someone who has some sense! Tell me you agree that we should keep to tradition, Foghar. Certainly after reading the lore you would agree that things must stay the same." Purnima exclaimed.

Sighing, Foghar turned to the group. Perhaps suggesting compromise would open their minds to the idea of merging both ideas. "It is true that our traditions decree that a certain... aesthetic... should be used, but perhaps we could also incorporate-"

Purnima cut him off with a shrill cry. "There should be no deviations. This is tradition after all!"

"Perhaps we should take a vote." Foghar suggested. Maybe with everyone's opinion laid out, a decision could be made. "All in favor of keeping with tradition?" With a glare from Purnima several paws rose. Nocte grimaced. "And all in favor for changing things up?" Nocte's paw immediately shot up. Foghar cringed as he watched Nocte look around to her supporters... who were all cowering under Purnima's glare.

"It seems we will keep to tradition." Foghar said calmly. He instantly felt regret at the look in Nocte's eye. Without a word, Nocte trotted from the tent. Foghar made a mental note to check on her once the meeting was over. This meeting had gone just how Foghar had expected it to, yet he couldn't help but feel sorry for Nocte. She had wonderful ideas, but Purnima was in the habit of strong-arming others into complying with her wishes. Nocte had been brave to even voice her thoughts at all.

"Well, Foghar? What do you think?" Foghar was ripped out of his thought at the sound of Purnima's satisfied tone.

She had already laid out a parchment with her plan for the Harvest Festival's decor. An outline of caged candles hung from lines along the perimeter of the grounds, along with hay bales for seating and pumpkins and gourds for decor. Intricately painted banners were to be hung at the entrance to the festival and wooden booths would be decorated with garlands of fall leaves, popcorn, and berries. While Foghar hated that Nocte was upset, he had to admit that Purnima's vision was absolutely stunning. Sure, it looked a lot like years past, but there was something about that old world beauty that called to him. There was something even magical about it. Despite himself, Foghar's lips pulled into a grin.

"It looks lovely, Purnima. How can we help?" Purnima began to rattle off everyone's tasks, enlisting Foghar to help with pumpkin placement. It wasn't long before they all had their lists of tasks to complete before the next meeting. It was a good think that market day was coming up. Foghar would need to place an extra large order for pumpkins.

As everyone gathered to leave, Purnima stopped Foghar. She waited until everyone else had exited the tent before she spoke.

"I saw the look on your face Foghar. You don't approve, do you?" Purnima said with a slight frown. Say what you would about Purnima, but Foghar knew that deep down she truly did care about the feelings of others. Maybe it was just because she cared what they thought of her in particular, but at least she cared.

"It's not your plan that I don't approve of." Foghar started. "It's your methods." Foghar gave Purnima a look of genuine concern. "Nocte is still a valuable member of this team. She has a great creative mind, and it would have been nice if you had at least listened to her vision. Perhaps even incorporated some of the elements. Now she feels as though none of us are willing to support her. How would you feel if the tables were turned?" Foghar challenged.

Foghar was known his insights, for the way he could see into others in a way that most couldn't. Some thought it was a part of his magic, but it was truly only observation. Foghar has learned through his many years to watch as others didn't; to observe in ways that no one else would.

Purnima's frown deepened. Foghar could tell an excuse was on the tip of her tongue, but instead she kept quiet for several moments. Foghar allowed her the time to think, keeping quiet just the same as she did. He often found that others would fill the silence with their own solutions if given the opportunity.

"Perhaps you could go to her. Convince her that my plan is for the best. You're good at that kind of thing Foghar." Purnima's frown turned into a look of satisfaction as she spoke her idea into existence. "That's it! You can offer her a gentler reminder that tradition is important and then she'll come around and see that my vision is going to be better. You'll do it, won't you Foghar?"

Foghar shooks his head slightly. Purnima was missing the point, though perhaps her case wasn't entirely hopeless. "I'll speak to Nocte, but not on your behalf. I will invite her to see the progress of of your plan, but the rest is up to you Purnima. It is up to you bring Nocte to your side... or perhaps make a compromise. It would be a shame to lose a friend over silly decorations." Purnima looked as though she were about to scold him for referring to the decorating as "silly," but Foghar didn't give her the chance. Before she could say another word, he was trotting about the door and back home.

The chilly night air ruffled his fur as he made the trek home. He valued tradition as much as the next creature, but he couldn't understand why Purnima didn't see that her insistence on her vision was driving others away. Even the other members of the committee had hurried away from her as soon as the meeting was over.

Foghar knew Purnima looked to him because he didn't shy away from her. He saw past her obstinance and vanity, but he knew that if she didn't let others see through it to, she would be left with very little friends. Even Foghar had his limits.

Once inside, Foghar lit a fire and curled up next to it, allowing the warmth from the flames to heat his chilled body. Tomorrow he would visit Nocte and try to comfort her. He had been telling the truth when he told Purnima he wouldn't try to convince Nocte of her vision. His main goal would be to ease Nocte's fears and convince her to stand up to Purnima, to advocate for her ideas and try to reach a compromise. But that would all wait for tomorrow. Tonight he would relax by the fire and let the flickering of the flames coax him to sleep.


Reward Amount
Autumn Pet Box 1
Cookies 300
Monster Candy 200


Thumbnail for NPC-009: Purnima

NPC-009: Purnima

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for MOD-276: Foragers Bounty

MOD-276: Foragers Bounty

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

arawruh's Bank

Currency Quantity