Submission (#4400) Approved

6 November 2024, 01:02:45 EST (3 months ago)
6 November 2024, 19:34:34 EST (3 months ago) by PinkusDean


In his little adventures of trying to figure out about the odd monster rumor, Biscuit had met up with Bloodroot--and despite their total opposite personalities, they managed to kindle just fine! They heard that tonight, some sort of activity would occur so off the two Sooshes went, exploring through the night.... It was eerie and somber, and Biscuit couldn't help but be a bit grateful for Bloodroot's company--otherwise the shiba-like Soosh would've crawled under a leaf pile and wait for the sun to rise again--but Biscuit put on his bravest face regardless!

Suddenly! they heard rustling from the bushes! The two investigated and a flash of light and sparkles erupted, the two Sooshes temporarily blinded by it but once their vision returned--a shadow was overcast then... and there stood, Purnima! She was monstruous! huge! scary! and suddenly it the two Sooshes like a bunch of bricks that Purnima was the figure Cookie had heard about.

Biscuit could only react accordingly--and that was to start an RPG battle!


Reward Amount
Purnima's Roses 1
Cookies 450
Monster Candy 500


Thumbnail for NPC-009: Purnima

NPC-009: Purnima

Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

rubyrose's Bank

Currency Quantity