MOD-108: Blue Voodoo Tea

Owned by Amethystyl

Viridi / female / sushi dog / healer type.

Viridi is a quiet, but friendly soosh. She's most often seen around Eastern Culario, foraging wherever and whenever she can. 

Viridi will happily help out any other soosh, and often gives out gifts of herbs, elixirs, general potions and rarely, flowers to any soosh she deems worthy...or sees. She usually visits as many places as she can, stays a few days in each, giving out and delivering her wares, and then returns back to Sanctuary, to begin the cycle again. She's not really a combative soosh, but a passive one - she prefers to heal and help both other sooshes. 

The only time she'd become uncommonly defensive, and irritable, is if her constant companion of a worn out plush were disturbed or further broken. It's unknown how, or why she came about it or got such a large attachment to it, but it goes everywhere with her. It's rumoured that she made the plush herself.


She gets along well with practically all other sooshes, but tends to become a little quieter and less comfortable around either rude, hostile sooshes or very loud, rambunctious ones.

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