OFF-493: Chocolate Chip Lava Cake

Owned by Rannarbananar



Chocolate Chip Molten Lava Cake

Miyū is a shy soosh that enjoys having time to themselves. They very much enjoy drawing, eating snacks, and watching things on their TV or computer.

They are quite the introvert and can only really be around others for a short amount of time before they run out of energy and need time to be on their own. Despite this, when around friends, Miyū can do just fine around them for much longer and will only need fewer or shorter breaks as a breather for their anxiety.

Miyū doesn't usually hang outside much because of their anxiety. Hanging out with friends usually means hanging out with them indoors or in places that Miyū is already comfortable with.

They don't speak much. Whenever they speak, they are quite quiet. Due to their past, they are cautious and fearful of many things!


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profile html by hukiolukio

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