Comments on Discord Game Nights

pygmyplum Avatar
pygmyplum Community Moderator she/her/hers

• Please state how much you would like to participate in a game night.
- i definitely won't be able to make every game night, but i'd love to try and make every other one maybe (and every one when i have the time!)

• How often do you think game nights should occur? (Weekly, Monthly, etc.)
- i agree with the other suggestions so far: monthly or bi-weekly for sure!

• What timezone are you in?

• In ET (site-time), what time works best for you to participate in Game Nights?
- 4:00 pm through 10:00 pm is a generally good time for me. i know this is a wide range, but i work on wednesdays from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm and saturdays from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm LOL

• Any game or website suggestions?
- i don't know of any, i'm sorry Dx

• What prizes would you like to see?
- cookies! maybe some pets too?

2024-06-01 22:51:48