Decadent Tonic
"The thick, purple liquid in this bottle tempts you with its rich, floral scent, but Pommelraie warns that its flavor is so strong that it causes mild amnesia in the drinker. In fact, after taking a sniff you realize you've forgotten why you came to the salon in the first place."
Allows the following design changes: allows a sushi dog to forget their current magic power (removes "magic affinity" trait)
To use: attach to the form provided when making a design update (if accepted, this item will be removed from your inventory)
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Energizing Tonic
"The viscous, yellow liquid in this bottle makes you nauseous just looking at it, but Pommelraie swears that drinking it makes you feel like you could run a marathon. You feel like you could run one right now, actually, if it got you away from this disgusting goop."
Allows the following design changes: allows a Sushi Dog to instantly be attuned with their magic power (adds the Attuned trait to the Soosh, without completing the magic training questline--do note that you must still choose a magic power, and it must be approved by mods)
To use: attach to the form provided when making a design update (if accepted, this item will be removed from your inventory)
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