Comments on MYO Anniversary Event

Leah Avatar

Username: leah
Discord Username: reai
Sushi Dog Food: silky ramen with extra noodles
Story of Food: ramen is a very big comfort food of mine even though i don't have it as often as i'd like to! but, i have very fond memories of going out with my dad to get ramen, regardless of distance. every time he would come and visit me, since he lives a few states away, we would go out and get something to eat and we almost always defaulted to ramen. we would usually get something for breakfast at a cafe or somewhere nearby before it was time to eat lunch, though! every experience was different, but i vividly remember sitting at the counter at a ramen shop in the city where you could watch the chefs work and i still think that was the coolest thing ever to this day oh my gosh. i was always worried about adding extra toppings and making it more expensive (even though i am still guilty of doing that). noodles are my absolute favorite thing so imagine my surprise when i realized i could get extra ones??? granted, i didn't. so this soosh is in honor of that.. </3 writing about this really makes my craving for ramen worse, especially since i was browsing online for ramen inspiration omg..... and it doesn't help that i'm so hungry right now but i'm trying to hurry up and finish this!!!! but yeah, there is no greater experience than sipping on pipping hot broth while it's chilly out and saving the best pieces for last. it makes me so excited for it to start cooling down over here!
Sushi Dog Design: (tail is the same texture as her hair if that matters!)

I consent that by submitting this design, I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless I retire them from the Sushi Dog species and that they will unable to be reverted back once complete.

2023-09-17 22:04:01

Staryon Avatar
Staryon Owner he/them

Hello! At the moment, the tail passes a little too closely as edible (noodles). If you can remove the accessories it would work. Just send me a corrected design and it will be uploaded for you! We're just a bit strict on staple traits resembling higher rarity traits, so I'm sorry for the issue but hope you understand!

2023-10-07 17:22:08

Leah Avatar

no worries! here;
thank you <3

2023-10-07 20:54:54