Comments on Pawty MYO Event

Sibbo Avatar
Sibbo any/all

Username: sibbo
Discord Username: sibbo
Sushi Dog Food: Midnight Berry Smoothie

Story of Food: well ,a big part of this design is it being based on my two cats- and their names being penumbra and crepescule i decided to do a nightly themed berry- i'm a berry fiend- and while i couldnbt decied on strawberry or blueberry- design wise it vbery much leans more towards blueberry in the smoothie!! im also very fond of smoothies- so, (banana berry smoothies?? drroling emoji. anyways). so, my two little midnight berries, penny and sully sooshi-fied! i had a few other theme ideas, but honestly as an autistic system i tend toi fluncuate my eating habbits a lot- but berries are always something i'm able to get down despite this- so no matter what i tend to be craving ill always be down for that essentially!! sometimes i find it hard to get an appetite, for example, but if u bring me a berry muffin ill eat it despite it all. i tend to get excited even? especially over strawberry icecreams and the like. ALSO: blueberry banana cookies. uhh I'd say i picked smoothie too because i used to drink them a lot, and, you can put so many different berries and little combinations and have fun with it. strawberry banana or blueberry banana with some vanilla powder? i do wonder what would be in a midnight smoothie- blueberry, blackberry, banana, sesame seeds? mint? i'll have to thimk about it and try to make it someday. ;D if i didn't do this theme, I was going to do like- an off brand cherry pepsi name, since3 I drin kman unholy amount of pepsi and my favorite is the cherry. i wish there was a berry pepsi. (blackberry gingerale goes hard btw, which is the second closest ive got to cherry pepsi.) tdlr: pet cats and berries keep me going in life so heres a paw soosh to represent that in a way? :D

i aplologize for the temp artt, life got me :grabs: ive got a wip thatll have their traits ;ater that will be betterr ww

Sushi Dog Design:

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2024-09-30 21:39:36 (Edited 2024-09-30 23:44:45)

A_Fallen_Ace Avatar
A_Fallen_Ace Community Moderator She/They/Them

Hiya! What a cute lil duo!
Before we can approve however we need the consent part added to the comment!

2024-09-30 23:42:31

Sibbo Avatar
Sibbo any/all


2024-09-30 23:44:39