June Newsletter

Posted 31 May 2024, 16:23:55 EDT :: Last edited 1 June 2024, 20:55:34 EDT by Staryon

✦ Happy Pride, Sushi Rolls! ✦

Navigate to newsletter portions below!

Spring Blossom Festival Summer DTE Reveal

Site Updates General Announcements Upcoming

Spring Blossom Festival Closure

Card image cap
Raffle Prize Winners

All prompts are approved, so now it is time to reveal our winners!

> Additional Art <

  • 3rd Place will take home a Haute Potion with a Mushroom Log
    Won by ToxicKumo
  • 2nd Place will take home a Sooshapon Token with a Spring Seasonal Trait Box
    Won by Sibbo
  • 1st Place will take home Secret Garden Cupcake by Tamurachii
    Won by arwen

Holiday Shoppe Closure
Don't forget to purchase any Seasonal goods from the Holiday Shoppe before it closes fully on June 8th!

Now that the raffle is rolled, the tickets will no longer be available to purchase at the shop.

Just click on the image above to enter the shop. Thanks, Zero!


The Summer DTE has begun!

_out of the seafoam and crashing waves, a message in a bottle washes ashore…_

"an invitation? no, an announcement. an arrival. written with pale ink which shines like pearls in penmanship which resembles song. on the next full moon when the tide will reach its lowest low, i will come out of the sea. a grand entrance. an introduction. a request for little fanfare. a desire to see how the four leggeds live. my gift to you is my presence. the knowledge that we exist at all. what will you offer me in exchange for the new possibilities i have now opened your eyes to?"


Culario is a realm of magic, and it seems like the ocean has had a particular outburst of it. There's a commotion by the ocean - and now we know why!

Our team of artists have worked hard to design lovely Sooshes that have their aquatic forms attached.
Every year in June, we host our annual Draw-to-Enter.
There is no judging involved - just luck!

You just have to draw an eligible Soosh to enter its raffle. Why not give it a shot?
The prompts are live on-site. Good luck!

What are Mersooshes? Go to the next portion of this newsletter to learn more!


What's that Splashing In?

Mersooshes are here!

These Sooshes are those who have unlocked a new form - the Mersoosh transformation!

These are alternate forms for your Soosh to use freely as seen fit! You don't always have to draw them in this form - they are able to transform in and out as needed.

Mersoosh Forms come with the free addition of the Fins and Scales traits!

This form brought a new set of additions for the masterlist:

  1. Transformative Rarity (applied to both Sooshes)
  2. Aquatic (Build) applied to the Mersoosh form
  3. Form Change (Transformation) added to the Main form
  4. Transformation: Mersoosh

These may be a little confusing - so feel free to see how they work on the current DTE Sooshes!
Essentially the traits are needed to align Sooshes with their rarity - similar to Supreme and Celestial Sooshes needing their respective traits.

Want to know how to unlock this form for your own Sooshes?
Keep an eye out as we unravel this in our Summer Starlight Festival!

Do note that this rarity is higher than Seasonal... so it may be a bit harder to obtain!


Site Updates

Trait Art Refreshed

Traits now (mostly) have art! There a few more new traits popping up here and there but for the most part, a majority of traits have appropriate artwork now.

Over time the text descriptions will be updated as well.
We hope the current visuals help explain and show the potential of newer traits!

Scales Downgraded

With the introduction of Mersooshes, we felt it was best to move Scales down to the Gourmet rarity to pair with the Fins trait. This allows for more aquatic-designed Sooshes to no longer avoid scale markings!
All users affected have been granted the Celestial's Gift item to reimburse the mythical trait.

New Dracosoosh Trait

Wyvern Wings have been added for our Draconic Sooshes who may have a more unusual wing placement.

More Traits and Subtypes

With today's updates, we have also added a few more last-minute trait and form additions to help clarify some traits for Sooshes.

New Traits:
Tailless & Hidden Bandana

If your Soosh now has the Tailless trait and you intended Fur Tail - just let us know! Most of the trait change was based on looks.
Hidden Bandana is now used for bandanas that may just be hiding in fur - what sneaky little things!

New Transformations:
Split & Merged
These transformations are to honor the very first Sushi Dog made - Sashimi!
They have a unique ability to split from a Trihead body into a Triptych form, so we felt adding these transformations would help them fit in better and allow more varied forms for Sooshes in the future.

These transformations are not currently obtainable as we continue to work out other site clarifications, but we do hope everyone looks forward to their full release!

As fellow mod arwen stated: "people with their beloved tripych sooshes on average spend 30% more on commissions πŸ˜”

New(ish) NPC added!

Welcome, Natsuki! (he/they)

For those of you who are familiar with Staryon, you would know this was a Dream Soosh MYO he had made years ago! As time went by however, his connection was lost with this Kitsoosh and we felt it was best to migrate him to an NPC role so community members can appreciate him - together!

He's a wandering Kitsoosh traveler, so he's rather mysterious to most of Culario... even though he left a very noticeable mark during a previous visit...
Maybe one day you'll meet him on your travels.

A new mod has joined the team!

A_Fallen_Ace has joined the team as a Community Mod!
The Discord is a lot of upkeep, and to ease the workload we decided to hire one more mod to help handle part of it.

Ace may be familiar to you all and if not let me clear things up:
We used to be mods together!

Her love and appreciation of Sooshes continues to shine, and we are all very excited to have her join the team. She has experience, passion, and knowledge to help us, so we are very grateful for her contribution.

Join us in welcoming Ace to the team!


General Announcements

Soosh of the Month for June

MOD-309: Black Cat Cookies

owned by Fluttershy!

As a reminder, SotM entries are due the second-to-last day of the Month. This is to ensure ample time to approve and raffle the SotM winner and contact them in time to begin the next month with their Soosh of choice.
This is now reflected in the prompt!

Claim Game Refresher

As we gain new members and mods, I just wanted to refresh everyone on how the claim game works in our discord server!

  1. You may only claim one Soosh at a time.
  2. Please try to only claim 1-2 times a month.
  3. Artwork is due in 5 days or less. If you need more time, you must let us know ASAP.
  4. We suggest waiting for 2-3 claims to occur before claiming again.

Remember - failure to follow our rules can get you banned from participating in the game.
We do our best to make sure claims move along as needed, so we just ask for you to do your part and finish everything in a timely manner!

Prompts Adjustments

Prompts that have prerequisites are now hidden by default. This may apply to the magic questline soon!

This change felt necessary as members continue to last-minute finish their quests for events. This would be fine in theory, but this overwhelms our moderator team immensely when we should be moving along with rolling raffles (haha) and shifting focus to our next events.

Quests will once again be due on the final day of the month together, but we do ask that members manage their time wisely so they can finish the entire event in a timely manner.

We have a timeline of 5 days to approve site queues.
Do not ask our mods to approve anything before this deadline. We are all volunteers and we do our best with the time we have!

If you submit things last minute we cannot guarantee approval fast enough for you to even begin your next prompt.
I do hope you sincerely understand.

Survey Request

We'd like to make discord game nights happen often again, and we need your help! It's been a while since we've gone to a regular schedule, and we want to know what times and games the community would enjoy most.

So why not get a handful of Cookies and help us at the same time?

Discord Game Nights Survey

Future Happenings

🎨 Upcoming GA Sales πŸ“…

June 8th: Auction
by linborghini
πŸ¦‹ ☁️ πŸ’™

June 15th: Flatsale
by Tamurachii
🌷πŸͺ» πŸ‹

June 22nd: Duo Auction
by Miizue
🌌 πŸ–ΌοΈ 🌊

Discord Game Nights
June 7th @ 8pm
Soosh Games hosted by A_Fallen_Ace

June 22nd Mid-day
TBA hosted by A_Fallen_Ace

⛱️ The Summer Starlight Festival returns next month! πŸŽ†

Just like last year, we hope you are prepared to fight each other over what theme is the best!
With some site updates, we hope the event is even more thrilling than before with a live-feed of points gained by each team.

I bet you want to prepare ahead and see what the themes are, right?
It's a popular fight against flavors...

🧁 Team Sweet vs Team Savory πŸ”

We do know that Art Fight is happening in July - not to worry! You can submit any attacks done via artfight for your sushidogs.com team as well. It does need to be a Soosh, of course.

We cannot wait to see which team reigns in the end!

The Great Soosh has formed another...


Supreme Sushi Cat.

Stay tuned!


πŸ’» Site Changes πŸ–±οΈ

Here are the notes regarding site changes in case you get confused or notice new things!
From now on, when updates are made it will be placed into the current month newsletter with the appropriate date listed.

This helps the team not feel crunched to meet deadlines - now, when things are done, we'll just upload it when ready!
Feel free to check back here and see what new has popped up as we continue to add to the site. Every note is under a spoiler, so just click on the date to expand them. Thank you everyone!

Site Updates 06.01.24
  • Traits are now sorted by lowest rarity on default (Thank you silver!)
  • Prompt Prerequisites added (silver)
  • Added numerous missing trait artwork
  • Added new traits (Tailless, Hidden Bandana)
  • Added new transformations (Mersoosh, Awakened, Split, Merged)
  • Added new traits (Aquatic, Form Change, Humanized)
  • Added new rarity (Transformative)
  • Updated Redesign Guide
  • Whatever else you noticed that is different. We're kinda losing track.
Have any questions?


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