July 2024 Newsletter

Posted 1 July 2024, 11:05:11 EDT :: Last edited 1 July 2024, 17:20:59 EDT by Staryon

✦ Happy Art Fight, Sushi Rolls! ✦

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DTE Results Summer Starlight Festival

Site Updates General Announcements Upcoming

DTE Results

Did your luck nab you some new goodies? Thank you so much to everyone for entering!
Winners are only allowed one win each, so duplicate wins were rerolled. No worries - you won the highest prize!

The winners are announced below:
Ocean Spritz by Staryon Winners
1st Place: CookieCache
2nd Place: Tamurachii
3rd Place: Robotic-Sparks

Sweater Weather Cake by Kyu
1st Place: Redscoreblue
2nd Place: skhenri
3rd Place: zinnia

Snow Skin Mooncakes by Rocco
1st Place: shadesofangelite
2nd Place: TropicalIndigo
3rd Place: Flufflebear

Black Shark Cocktail by Alexdream12 Winners
1st Place: Bushka
2nd Place: ThorinFrostclaw
3rd Place: ChupacabraPrincess

Matcha Lemonade by linborghini Winners
1st Place: ToxicKumo
2nd Place: CarrsCrap
3rd Place: Tigitigerchen

All 1st place winners have won the Mersoosh and 500 Cookies.
2nd place winners have won a Sooshapon Token and 500 Cookies.
3rd place winners have won a Sooshapon Token and 250 Cookies.

Congratulations to everyone! These prizes will be deposited today.


Summer Starlight Festival

Card image cap

The Summer Starlight Festival is now in session!

This year is jam-packed with new activities for more participation... so you can fight for what flavor is the best overall:

Sweet or Savory

Something brought the Mersooshes to the shore, and it seems like it was actually food! But was it a sweet treat, or a savory meal?

Looks like it's up to you to figure out and fight for what is right!

Want to participate? Go to this page to pick your team and learn what you must do to earn points for your team, and watch the tracker go up as everyone gathers points!

Your team will be displayed on your site profile, but feel free to go into our discord server to pick up a server role as well.
Art Fight begins at the same time but no worries - your attacks are able to be used for our team fight event too!

What are you waiting for?

Fight today!


Limited Time Activities

New Daily!

Don't forget to get this new summer daily every day to gain some passive points for your team.

Foraging Area Available!

Foraging is free, and there are plenty of pets to find!
There's also rumors that there is a small chance to get some sort of clam mirror...

Holiday Shoppe Stocked

Gather your Ocean Splashers and get yourself a few goodies!

There's a new transformation available, and a new yearly trait as well. The previous Summer items have also made their return, so this is a great time to nab anything you've missed. Wow!

The newest trait discovered this year is Translucent Body.

Translucent Body is a misc. add-on trait to your Soosh. This trait allows for see-through bodies of Sooshes. This means slime-like/gelatin-like bodies with inner objects, glass limbs with fish, and more!

Thank you everyone, and we can't wait to see which team wins.
Tune in next month for the reveal of the raffle prizes and for our jam-packed festival send-off!


Site Updates

Activities Live

Eventually these will get little thumbnails, but for now, you can now recycle those potions for when you want a bell or vice versa. Not only that, but if you are in an excess of pets (coughs chocolate basket gacha cough) you can now recycle 5 pets for 1 random pet box. This includes any pet box on-site, so you may be lucky and get an out-of-season one you have been after!
Also crafting is live. Currently this is not in use...

Transformations Available to Submit

The Redesign Guide has now been renamed to the Design Update Guide and includes information on how to add transformations to your Sooshes.

If you've been wanting to submit your Awakened form, now is the time!
Have a multiple-body subtype for your Soosh? Why not buy a Stylish Beret and give them a new Merged form for easier art purposes?

Thank you everyone for your patience as we learned how this extension worked and what traits needed to look like for these.

New Specialty Theme Added

Theme: Ingredient has been added.

This is a Specialty trait that will only be available via Staryon or permission granted to mods or GAs for use. Ingredient themes are what they sound like: ingredients used for cooking! These may not be edible on their own, but certainly bring creations together.

On that note, we are wanting to add to our GA team! Read the next box to find out how to apply!


General Announcements

Soosh of the Month for July

MOD-327: Grilled Cheese

owned by A_Fallen_Ace!

As a reminder, SotM entries are due the second-to-last day of the Month. This is to ensure ample time to approve and raffle the SotM winner and contact them in time to begin the next month with their Soosh of choice.

SotM gets changed on the final day of the month to prevent any confusion as entries have closed the day before.
Thank you for understanding!

Basic Food Themes

Just like with no longer allowing design features resemble traits, we are cracking down on Basic Food themes. These now must be very obviously food! We will not allow plants, insects, or other non-food related themes that don't sound completely edible. This means you cannot use a generic mushroom unless it's cooked in some manner (Mushroom vs Mushroom Soup) as the implication of it being raw is something we find confusing.

Plants that are obviously edible without need of cooking (Fruit) are fine, but plants or critters that teeter the line of consumption safety will no longer be allowed.

Thank you for understanding!

Prompts Adjustments

As AI becomes very prevalent, we have decided to move away from allowing writing as standalone works for our site. It was with a lot of delibiration but in the end, what really stood out was that our site was always marketed as an art-based roleplaying game. We are not knowledgeable in writing, nor can we keep up with members' writing styles as well as we can with art styles.

We have decided to come up with a combined solution: Storybook Combos!

These will allow some writing if you want to help develop a story or some characterization for your Sooshes. This is a 250-word short story included alongside an illustrated scene - no color necessary! Think of novels with black and white illustrations. This allows us to still have writing stay a component of the site, but tackles the issue of us focusing solely on art. We thank you for your understanding.

Site Asset Commissions

We're looking for some pixel banners, similar to the Cookie banners you see between these divs!
We may also want other site asset art...

Would you like to help shape the website? We're paying in USD or Site Items, so if you are interested please reach out to Staryon on discord. We look forward to commissioning some community members! 🎨

Guest Artists Wanted!

Have you been wanting to join the team making designs for events and sales? We're looking to add just a few more to freshen things up!

Guest Artist Application


Future Happenings

🎨 Upcoming Sales πŸ“…

Mod Batch is on the final Saturday of each month!

This month it lands on:

July 27th

July 6th: Supreme Sushi Cat Auction
by Staryon

Discord Game Nights
July 5th @ 5pm Site-Time
Soosh Games hosted by A_Fallen_Ace

July 20th @ 5pm Site-Time
Fall Guys hosted by A_Fallen_Ace


πŸ’» Site Changes πŸ–±οΈ

Here are the notes regarding site changes in case you get confused or notice new things!
Not everything will be listed as we continue to iron out what we believe needs adjusted. You may see existing entries update and so on!

Site Updates 07.01.24
  • Users can now see prompt rewards for locked prompts. (silver)
  • Characters are now publically visible again and can embed on discord. (silver)
  • Added foraging (silver)
  • Updated Character Transformations (silver)
  • Updated to lorekeeper 2.1.6 (silver)
  • Updated to lorekeeper 2.1.7 (silver)
  • Enabled Activities
  • Enabled Crafting
  • Navbar adjustments to take in the new changes (silver)
  • New Daily Added
  • New Collection live
  • New Design Update Guide to explain the process for Transformations
Have any questions?


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