January 2025 Newsletter
Posted 3 January 2025, 16:57:25 EST :: Last edited 10 January 2025, 18:16:18 EST by Staryon✦ Happy New Year, Sushi Rolls! ✦
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Winter Snowfall Festival
Site Updates General Announcements Future Sales
2025 Ushers in the Year-Long Starfall Celebration!
Every 25 years, Culario joins together in celebrating the Celestials and their blessings given to all.
Every once in a while, The Great Soosh and the Celestials will bestow gifts to Culario for the respects paid.
There are great talks of many Sooshes developing features that belong to the Mythical Sooshes, and it is believed that these are gifts from the Celestials themselves as a great thanks for the excitement of the festivals in the previous years.
The Starfall Celebration is here to bring some unique new content!
This year we will be tackling the Mythical Questline - which includes revamping the entire thing!
This will include new content drops, but many of these are interconnected and may not have any use until future content drops provide more to do and continue on your quest to gain Mythical status.
As a cautious note: the questline is not meant to be easy, and is specifically geared to taking a multi-month grind in order to gain a Mythical trait.
This will require regular site use, so if you plan on earning one you'll want to stick around throughout the year to see what's next!
What are we planning? You'll just have to wait and see what the Celestials request...
Magic Training is On Hold!
As we focus on finishing the pathway to the Mythical Questline, we felt that removing the Magic Training questline first to have it interlinked with the Mythical one only makes sense. As it stands, we feel it needs to be much simpler to follow for easy transitions into gaining Mythical traits. So, for this year, it will be on hold until we bring it back in its revamped form.
Fret not - I don't plan for it to be gone too long so please just hold on tight for its return!
New Rare Forages Drop
Many users have been wondering what this mysterious trinket was, and it seems the magic of the Starfall Celebration have awakened it. It turns out - it's an egg! What sort of Dracom will you hatch from it?
The magic of the year have also seemed to reveal many hidden away while foraging. Seems like there is a very rare chance to get one of these eggs via the permanent Kitchen and Sewing Shop forages...
Go Forage
New Pet Collection
This collection is going to be quite hard to complete. Some Dracoms are rarer than others, and they seem to bond with their hatchers! So they won't leave your side once an egg is hatched.
Will you be lucky enough to hatch all of the new Dracoms?
To complete the collection, it looks like you'll need a spare and a special kind...!
Free-to-Enter Raffle: Dormouse Jam
Dormouse Jam left the mirror and got imbued with magic for the year, and is now a Sushi Hamster! Not only that - seems they got a little upgrade too!
This raffle is open for 24 hours - to enter please just start a number chain by replying to a user with the next number.
Aka User A comments: "1"
User B replies to A with "2"
User C replies to B with "3"
and so on!
(Please don't make us number your entries...)
Good luck, everyone!
The Winter Snowfall Festival begins!
January - February is our Winter Snowfall Festival!
Join us for a limited event featuring a questline of prompts, event currency, seasonal items, a new foraging area, and more!
New Winter Daily
Check in every day to get 10 Candycanes to add to your collection!
Event Prompts Live!
Prompts end on February 21st @ 11:59pm ET
Looks like more magic is stirring in Culario and revealing new Sooshes we haven't seen before.
These ones are silent and scary, so it's up to you to figure out why they're here!
New Foraging Area: Hushed Sanctuary

What sort of new creatures will you befriend?
New Pet Collection
Hushed Sanctuary has a new Collection if you can get every pet from foraging!
What's this? It seems like there's a Part II of the collection...?
New Activity: Winter Traditions
What does Culario do every winter as their own traditions?
It's time for you to join in on the tradition, too!
New Seasonal Trait
Wing Ears are the new Winter Snowfall Seasonal trait!
Wing Ears are ears replaced completely by small angelic or devilish wings. The size of the wings at max can be around the size of the head.
This trait stacks with the Small Pixie Wings trait or Large Wings trait. It does not stack with Large Ears.
This means if you want the Wing ears to be pixie wings, you need the Small Pixie Wings trait.
If you want larger Wing Ears, you'll need the appropriate Mythical-tiered trait to stack and apply to it.
This trait is usable with the Angelic Idol item:
This trait is purchaseable along with the other Winter Snowfall Festival Seasonal items in the Holiday Shoppe!
New Transformation: Spiritsoosh
Lastly, what we have all been eyeing...
Spiritsooshes are our new Transformation!
The bottom half of the Soosh's body becomes untangled and is hardly a part of this world, granting them transparency and floatation abilities.
This new Transformation also has a more stylistic variant, with both types shown below:
What type of Ghostly build do you prefer?
This trait is usable with the Cherished Amulet item:
Seems like you'll have to earn this item via the Event Prompts or another way...
The Premium Amulet is also now stocked in the Koinpeito Shop for 35 KP
Next Month
Tune in to February's Newsletter for the Winter Snowfall Festival Raffle Soosh and extra festivities!
Site Updates
Soosh of the Month for January
MYO-2071: Strawberry and Chocolate Creme Milkshake
Owned by PuffinDoodle!
As a reminder, SotM entries are due the second-to-last day of the Month. This is to ensure ample time to approve and raffle the SotM winner and contact them in time to begin the next month with their Soosh of choice.
This month, SotM entries are due on January 30th.
Please note this date if you plan on participating!
Thank you for understanding.
Seasonal Festival Prompt End Dates
These dates have now been set to end a week before the festivals due to countless delays with last-minute prompt submissions and their approval periods. From this year and forward, the Seasonal Prompts will end a week before festival end dates to give users time to purchase any items and tickets desired before shops automatically hide items.
This means you cannot and should not wait on raffle reveals to make any final purchases in The Holiday Shoppe. This becomes very messy when we have events between festivals, and is needed for clarity between back-to-back stocks. Please plan accordingly!
Companion Rarity Raised Above Seasonal
Seasonal was always intended to be rarer than Gourmet, but in my opinion never rarer than Companion. This has been reflected on any Seasonal-traited Sushi Cats and Hamsters to show their Companion rarity instead. That's it!
Trait Changes
2025 brings in another fell swoop of trait adjustments as we begin to iron out what makes a trait worth working for on-site.
Once again - we have some big changes, so it may take getting used to! But these were all done with the intention of aligning with what should be considered "rare" in Culario and what just may be more common than we thought.
Please note that many of these will be gradual changes as the mods return from our break, so just keep an eye out!
Tufted Ear Tips Removed
This is one of the biggest traits that we felt was so minor to ask for a use of a Potion for. Sometimes an artist's style for fluffy ears teetered too close and required the trait. Other times it felt a waste to mods and GAs to use as a limited Gourmet trait for their designs due to how minor it was.
In the end, after an almost year-long discussion, we felt it was best to have this trait retired which means it is now free to use!
Everyone affected will be granted a Mirror Potion for each removal of the trait.
Edible Tails Added as a Staple Trait
This is another massive one that was more specifically focused on old Official Sooshes. Many Wispy Tails resembled liquids, while some Fur Tails incorporated looks of their foods into them. This ended with a crackdown on Wispy Tails needing to be limited in their accessories, and Fur Tails becoming Object Tails if they resembled any food.
Oldies will remember when we had an Edible Tail trait... and well, we felt it was best to bring back and to align it with the Staple rarity!
At the end of the day - Sooshes origins are all about food, and we felt it was a good homage to represent some of the first Sooshes as the standard: aka our staple!
Edible Tails apply to any tail that is, well, edible. The entire tail needs to be edible to apply, which means Cookies are fine but Wine Bottles will need Object Tail instead. If the tail is made of Wine itself (aka a liquid tail), it will be Edible Tail.
Many liquid tails will be under Edible Tail, while some may stay in Object Tail if it is deemed unsafe to consume (lava, sludge, etc.).
We hope this change makes sense to everyone as to why we felt this adjustment would help lessen up the strict limits that old Staple tails once had.
Everyone affected will be granted a Mirror Potion for each downgrade of Object Tail into one of the Staple rarity tails.
Creature Deco Added as a Gourmet Trait
Creature Deco are for accessories that mimic the appearance of creatures. Some examples would be: ghost accessories, animal-shaped marshmallows, and more. These decorations are not living, and simply just add to the look of a Soosh. How fun!
These only apply to decorations that mimic a creature too similarly (insects) or have "faces" (ghosts).
This trait was made to allow for Sooshes to have fun creature motifs on their designs without it needing them to be sentient. Or to allow faces on little decorations again. This is just the easiest way to let users know that these little critters are not alive - just decorative!
Antennae Renamed to Small Antennae
This was just to match their similar trait which is Small Horns!
Large Antennae Added as a Faesoosh Trait
This is also to match Large Horns which is a Dracosoosh trait - this one is just Faesoosh rarity to go with their aesthetics.
Mega Tail Added as a Faesoosh Trait
Mega Tail is a size modifier to existing tails. The tail is 3x larger than the body of the Soosh in width and length, or excessive in length.
This trait is needed if a Soosh's body makes up less than 40% of the overall silhouette of a design.
It finally happened... we decided to limit tail sizes in Sooshes for a few reasons.
1) Sooshes are tiny in size, and overly massive tails are just breaking their canonical size in some capacity.
2) Horns, Antennae, Ears, Bandanas, Knots, Teeth, and even Claws have larger variants as traits. It only made sense for us to align tails with a limit as well.
Known Sooshes at this time already have the trait applied so you can see what exactly Mega Tail encompasses. We are not banning large or long tails in general - just ones that are excessive in size are going to need a Mythical rarity now!
Old Trait Items Removed
Our first Winter Snowfall Festival items were no longer relevant as we added our craftable Gourmet Enchantment items instead.
Sparkling Sugar Cookie and Bag o' Fun has been removed.
Affected members got refunded in the new Gourmet items that match the same traits
Angelic Idol was reused for the new Wing Ears trait item!
Mirror Potions Stocked in Pommelraie's Salon
The main qualm with the mirror was the amount of Haute Potions that circulated with Surrendered Sooshes.
The temporary fix was a Rare Ingredients Bundle, but we saw a decrease in surrenders. Now, you can purchase Mirror Potions which are untradeable potions for Gourmet traits. This resolves surrendering to create new Sooshes while preventing the influx of them existing for trades.
Mirror Potions are now stocked in Pommelraie's Salon for 1 Mirror Shard .
Also cause the purple just looks really good.
IRL Labels Added!
Now you can choose the IRL Inspired label for Sooshes who are inspired by real-life people (which is grandfathered in and no longer allowed), and pets (which are always allowed and encouraged for PAW Sooshes!).
Just include "Pet" in the note if they are based on one, and for people just put their names if famous or vague relation to you (loved one/relative). This is so users are not accidentally trading for Sooshes that have sentimental meaning to others that may put them off of the design unknowingly. Thank you everyone!
ReturnGeneral Announcements
Soosh Transfers from Unregistered Accounts
In the past, we went out of the way to verify ownership of Sooshes being traded or sold via internet sleuthing. We would have to trace deviantArt accounts with toyhou.se accounts and link up all usernames to see if the current status felt legitimate enough to force an admin transfer.
As of 2025, we are no longer allowing this.
This relied a lot on unclosed accounts with linked alternate social medias to be displayed publicly, and as we continue forward this method becomes more difficult as users change usernames, deactivate or close accounts, and so on.
Users have always been encouraged to make site accounts to claim ownership of their Sooshes and then use the on-site transfer system to send them to new owners. Now, it is required as the default.
The only exceptions that will work is direct contact from the listed on-site owner. This is the more difficult process as we will require proof of their alias belonging to them to ensure the ownership is authentic, and then any linked accounts (like toyhou.se) to show that the Soosh has not been traded in the past.
This is to ensure the safety of our users at the end of the day!
Use ModMail to Reach Out to our Mod Team!
Please do not ask our mods questions regarding our site or activities. Not every mod has an answer as to why something was rejected, or why things haven't been approved yet. They may not even know why something is the way it is on site - at the end of the day, Staryon is the final say in many of the site workings. Even simple questions like "what is the drop rate of this pet" is really only known by Star, so please use the #ask-a-soosh channel in our Discord or just DM the ModMail bot in the Sushi Dog Park server to privately reach out to us.
Thank you!
Avoid Sending Items for Uncompleted Art Trades
This is just a general warning - over the past few years, we have had numerous complaints regarding artists offering their services for site items and not completing them in a timely manner.
This is always up to the user, but our stance at sushidogs.com is to take advantage of the trade function on-site to initiate a trade of items and then not confirming fully until owed art is completed.
We cannot guarantee a reversal of items as they may have been used or traded off in the time period of waiting for art. If there were no agreed upon turnaround times, then we cannot comfortably forfeit trades.
If someone offers you art for items, consider holding onto them until at least a sketch is received.
Be safe, Sushi Rolls!
Trading Entire Pet Collections
This is something we have seen repeatedly pop up in the trade channels and we feel is time to discourage. We provide many avenues to earn pets by simply participating in the site. Not only this, but many inactive or new users will use these reward to quickly earn site items that would otherwise take many users longer to be able to purchase.
From now on, we will no longer allow these sort of posts. We will also ban any users who are caught lending their pet collections out for others to gain rewards from. I want to keep most pets tradeable so many can gain pets they prefer, but have had to trade lock more pets as time goes on due to these issues. Collections are meant to be an achievement: you should be earning them!
We hope you all understand.
Repeated Joining and Leaving of the Sushi Dog Park Discord
I will begin to kick Discord users that are caught leaving the server repeatedly and excessively. This does not happen often, but there are numerous times where members will use a disagreement to leave the server just to reappear after distressing members or mods.
Anyone can leave at any time - this is just for users who will leave and rejoin multiple times a month!
We try our best to keep an eye on who is entering and leaving the server in case of bannable instances, and this behavior only causes more workload for us.
This is not a ban for site use. Being kicked is just a temporary measure to make sure users aren't there to harass any users, mods, or intentionally disrupt the server workings and activities.
Thank you for understanding.
Future Sales
🎨 Mark these dates on your calendar! 📅
Here are the upcoming opportunites to take a new Soosh home!
Staryon Flatsale Batch
??? in January
Staryon is baking a sweet batch... but there is no specific date to ensure everything is perfected and ready to go!
Just know to keep an eye out this month for it - he's missed designing Sooshes often for fun, so there may be some special Sooshes in the midst.
PsychoPancake They/ Them
Visual Accessibility Edit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aQ91rchOzukU3Ku4sM25DDUsjDlaKNGKrfULaBAdRTM/edit?usp=sharing
2025-01-10 01:16:25
Feature Comment