This mischevious creature loves to play tricks and pranks on unsuspecting Sooshes! However, there is a rumor that they can be tamed... or at least, you can choose the Faexy's next target.
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned during the Sushi Dog Spring Blossom Festival.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Spring Pet Box
Faexy (Harvest)
This mischevious creature loves to play tricks and pranks on unsuspecting Sooshes! However, there is a rumor that they can be tamed... or at least, you can choose the Faexy's next target.
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via foraging in the Thornbrush Wilds during the Autumn Harvest Festival.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito, but it can be resold from the inventory.
Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Faexy (Snowfall)
...Is it alive?
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via foraging in the Hushed Sanctuary during the Winter Snowfall Festival.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito, but it can be resold from the inventory.
Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Hushed Sanctuary