
<a href="" class="display-item">Faexy</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: aisu

This mischevious creature loves to play tricks and pranks on unsuspecting Sooshes! However, there is a rumor that they can be tamed... or at least, you can choose the Faexy's next target.


How to Obtain: 

This pet is earned during the Sushi Dog Spring Blossom Festival.

Can it be Sold or Traded?

You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable. 



Spring Pet Box

<a href=" (Harvest)" class="display-item">Faexy (Harvest)</a>

Faexy (Harvest)

Category: Pets

Artist: Staryon

Resale Value: 50 Cookies

This mischevious creature loves to play tricks and pranks on unsuspecting Sooshes! However, there is a rumor that they can be tamed... or at least, you can choose the Faexy's next target.


How to Obtain: 

This pet is earned via foraging in the Thornbrush Wilds during the Autumn Harvest Festival.

Can it be Sold or Traded?

You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito, but it can be resold from the inventory.
Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable. 

<a href=" (Snowfall)" class="display-item">Faexy (Snowfall)</a>

Faexy (Snowfall)

Category: Pets

Artist: aisu

Resale Value: 50 Cookies

...Is it alive?


How to Obtain: 

This pet is earned via foraging in the Hushed Sanctuary during the Winter Snowfall Festival.

Can it be Sold or Traded?

You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito, but it can be resold from the inventory.
Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable. 



Hushed Sanctuary

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