
<a href=" Gooey" class="display-item">King Gooey</a>

King Gooey

Category: Pets

Artist: Staryon

The King Gooey is a rare variant of Gooey. Due to their size, many Gooey will follow them in admiration. For some reason, they are mimicking some sort of golden token not from around here...

Designed by Sibbo
How to Obtain: 

This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.

Can it be Sold or Traded?

You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable. 

<a href=" (Pawty)" class="display-item">Fluffiesta (Pawty)</a>

Fluffiesta (Pawty)

Category: Pets

Artist: Staryon

<a href=" (Viva)" class="display-item">Fluffiesta (Viva)</a>

Fluffiesta (Viva)

Category: Pets

Artist: Staryon

<a href=" (Blocks)" class="display-item">Fluffiesta (Blocks)</a>

Fluffiesta (Blocks)

Category: Pets

Artist: Staryon

<a href=" (Sunset)" class="display-item">Fluffiesta (Sunset)</a>

Fluffiesta (Sunset)

Category: Pets

Artist: Staryon

<a href=" (Rainbow)" class="display-item">Fluffiesta (Rainbow)</a>

Fluffiesta (Rainbow)

Category: Pets

Artist: Staryon

<a href=" (Monotone)" class="display-item">Fluffiesta (Monotone)</a>

Fluffiesta (Monotone)

Category: Pets

Artist: Staryon

<a href=" (Savory)" class="display-item">Showny (Savory)</a>

Showny (Savory)

Category: Pets

Artist: Staryon

<a href=" (Sweet)" class="display-item">Showny (Sweet)</a>

Showny (Sweet)

Category: Pets

<a href=" Shampoo" class="display-item">Simple Shampoo</a>

Simple Shampoo

Category: Salon Specials

Artist: Alexdream12

"The magical essence of the shampoo seems to deeply cleanse fur and can sometimes reveal hidden features!"

This shampoo allows you to make one (1) of the following changes per shampoo:

  • Bandana color change
  • Cheek color change
  • Minor fur color or marking changes

To use: attach to the form provided when making a design update (if accepted, this item will be removed from your inventory)

<a href=" Dye" class="display-item">Prismatic Dye</a>

Prismatic Dye

Category: Salon Specials

Artist: Alexdream12

"The dye inside appears to change color as you examine it from different angles, sort of like a kaleidoscope. You think 'kaleidoscopic dye' is a more fitting name, but figured Pommelraie probably couldn't spell it anyway (did you even spell it correctly?)"

This dye allows you make the following design changes; amount of dye required depends on the complexity of the changes:

  • Major fur color or marking edits

To use: attach to the form provided when making a design update (if accepted, this item will be removed from your inventory)

<a href=" Kit" class="display-item">Makeover Kit</a>

Makeover Kit

Category: Salon Specials

Artist: Alexdream12

Use this item to give your soosh a whole new look! 

This item will be required when a dramatic change is planned for your soosh and requires more than two tonics. All Sooshes must still resemble their designated food, but this item allows for more flexibility than allowed prior.

<a href=" Bracelet" class="display-item">Chic Bracelet</a>

Chic Bracelet

Category: Fashion Boutique

Artist: Alexdream12

"You question if the bracelets are really considered 'chic', but don't want to open a can of worms when it comes to Pommelraie's choices. He seems quite fond of the bracelets too, and sells packs of charms and beads to swap out."

Allows the following design changes: exchange one trait for another within the same or lower rarity tier, except mythical traits

To use: attach to the form provided when making a design update (if accepted, this item will be removed from your inventory)

<a href=" Wristwatch" class="display-item">Nostalgic Wristwatch</a>

Nostalgic Wristwatch

Category: Fashion Boutique

Artist: Alexdream12

"Though the wristwatch seems rather cute, it does seem to be behind in terms of style. Pommelraie exclaims that the style is coming back - he knows more than anyone else, so it is best to not question it."

Allows the following design changes: revert character to a previous design

To use: attach to the form provided when making a design update (if accepted, this item will be removed from your inventory)

<a href=" Beret" class="display-item">Stylish Beret</a>

Stylish Beret

Category: Fashion Boutique

Artist: Alexdream12

"Despite its simplistic exterior, placing this beret on one's head seems to add or remove some!"

Allows the following design changes: changes Subtype (for example from none to Bihead, or Triptych to none, etc.)

To use: attach to the form provided when making a design update (if accepted, this item will be removed from your inventory)

<a href=" Mirror" class="display-item">Pocket Mirror</a>

Pocket Mirror

Category: Fashion Boutique

Artist: Alexdream12

"Something about your looks feel off? Why not quickly adjust and correct it with a handy pocket mirror?"

This trinket allows users to reupload their Soosh's database entry image with up to (2) minor design changes or without any updates at all!

To Use: Attach item when submitting a design request. Please include what changes you are making if doing minor changes. A soosh may only be updated once a month with this item.

Examples of Minor Changes:
• Changing Nose Color
• Removal or Addition of Accessories
• Changing Hairstyle
• Slight Hue Change
• Marking Simplification

All edits are subject to approval from our staff.

This item is standalone and is not necessary if using a separate design item to update a design.

<a href=" Tonic" class="display-item">Decadent Tonic</a>

Decadent Tonic

Category: Tonics

Artist: Alexdream12

"The thick, purple liquid in this bottle tempts you with its rich, floral scent, but Pommelraie warns that its flavor is so strong that it causes mild amnesia in the drinker. In fact, after taking a sniff you realize you've forgotten why you came to the salon in the first place."

Allows the following design changes: allows a sushi dog to forget their current magic power (removes "magic affinity" trait)

To use: attach to the form provided when making a design update (if accepted, this item will be removed from your inventory)


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tonic" class="display-item">Energizing Tonic</a>

Energizing Tonic

Category: Tonics

Artist: Alexdream12

"The viscous, yellow liquid in this bottle makes you nauseous just looking at it, but Pommelraie swears that drinking it makes you feel like you could run a marathon. You feel like you could run one right now, actually, if it got you away from this disgusting goop."

Allows the following design changes: allows a sushi dog to instantly master their magic power (adds a "magic affinity" trait of your choice, without completing the magic training questline--do note that you must still choose a magic power, and it must be approved by mods)

To use: attach to the form provided when making a design update (if accepted, this item will be removed from your inventory)


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Beanie Recipe" class="display-item">Beloved Beanie Recipe</a>

Beloved Beanie Recipe

Category: Recipes

Artist: Staryon

Gourmet Trait Recipe
Learn to craft the Enchantment item:
Beloved Beanie

Traits granted: Accessory Bandana

Uses: Use to learn the crafting recipe for Beloved Beanie


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tote Recipe" class="display-item">Trustworthy Tote Recipe</a>

Trustworthy Tote Recipe

Category: Recipes

Artist: Staryon

Gourmet Trait Recipe
Learn to craft the Enchantment item:
Trustworthy Tote

Traits granted: Bandana Pouch

Uses: Use to learn the crafting recipe for Trustworthy Tote


Purchaseable At:

246 results found.