Community Pet Box
✦ Contents when Opened:
1 Random Community Pet
Uses: Open to earn one Community Pet Contest pet!
Purchaseable At:
Bunch of Balloons
✦ Contents when Opened:
1 Random Party Animal Pet
• Party Dog
• Party Frog
• Party Snail
• Party Monkey
• Party Bear
Uses: Open to receive one random Party Animal pet
Purchaseable At:
Deluxe Pet Bed
Open for a choice of a rare pet!
Purchaseable At:
Sweetle (Razzberry)
Sweetles are a very popular pet due to their beautiful exteriors and silly face. They are fond of berries and will carry around a current favorite until it needs replaced.
They keep accidentally grabbing Webberies by accident and never learn from their mistake.
Designed by Fluttershy
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
King Gooey
The King Gooey is a rare variant of Gooey. Due to their size, many Gooey will follow them in admiration. For some reason, they are mimicking some sort of golden token not from around here...
Designed by Sibbo
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Gooey (Cherry)
Gooeys are a very popular collector's pet. Their multiple colors and personalities make them a fun show of preferences amongst communities, and they tend to give off an aroma of whatever fruit they are mimicking.
Designed by Sibbo
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Gooey (Orange)
Gooeys are a very popular collector's pet. Their multiple colors and personalities make them a fun show of preferences amongst communities, and they tend to give off an aroma of whatever fruit they are mimicking.
Designed by Sibbo
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Gooey (Grape)
Gooeys are a very popular collector's pet. Their multiple colors and personalities make them a fun show of preferences amongst communities, and they tend to give off an aroma of whatever fruit they are mimicking.
Designed by Sibbo
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Gooey (Kiwi)
Gooeys are a very popular collector's pet. Their multiple colors and personalities make them a fun show of preferences amongst communities, and they tend to give off an aroma of whatever fruit they are mimicking.
Designed by Sibbo
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Catserole (Lasagnya)
Catseroles are the true definition of "if they fit, they sits". These feline companions are attached to their dish of choice and are rarely seen leaving them on their own.
Designed by PsychoPancake
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Nuggie (Rex)
Nuggies are reminescent of a beloved snack for young Sooshes. These lively pets love to just hang out and vibe. They are particularly fond of sauce...
Designed by Robotic-Sparks
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Nuggie (Broncho)
Nuggies are reminescent of a beloved snack for young Sooshes. These lively pets love to just hang out and vibe. They are particularly fond of sauce...
Designed by Robotic-Sparks
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Nuggie (Stego)
Nuggies are reminescent of a beloved snack for young Sooshes. These lively pets love to just hang out and vibe. They are particularly fond of sauce...
Designed by Robotic-Sparks
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Catserole (Mewstery)
Catseroles are the true definition of "if they fit, they sits". These feline companions are attached to their dish of choice and are rarely seen leaving them on their own.
Designed by PsychoPancake
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Catserole (Tunyafin)
Catseroles are the true definition of "if they fit, they sits". These feline companions are attached to their dish of choice and are rarely seen leaving them on their own.
Designed by PsychoPancake
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Lobolli (Strawberry)
Lobollis are very tasty-looking pets that like to invade kitchens. Their exterior is a camoflauge so they can steal ingredients to feed upon.
Designed by CookieCache
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
They're called Wally because it's the sound they make. They are a very jolly pet but they sure take up a lot of room.
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via foraging in the Hushed Sanctuary during the Winter Snowfall Festival.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito, but it can be resold from the inventory.
Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Hushed Sanctuary
Lobolli (Classic)
Lobollis are very tasty-looking pets that like to invade kitchens. Their exterior is a camoflauge so they can steal ingredients to feed upon.
Designed by CookieCache
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.
Webberi (Blueberry)
These tiny pets love to eat berries, and can be found most around berry bushes. They've even taken the look of their beloved berries!
Webberi's dislike Sweetles due to accidentally getting picked up by them.
Designed by CryptidCreature
✦ How to Obtain:
This pet is earned via the Community Pet Box.
✦ Can it be Sold or Traded?
You cannot sell this pet for real-life currency or koinpeito. Trading for carats, art, other characters, etc., is acceptable.