September 2024 Newsletter
Posted 27 August 2024, 12:52:23 EDT :: Last edited 6 September 2024, 16:32:09 EDT by Staryon✦ Join the Pawty, Sushi Rolls! ✦
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Celebration Pawty
Summer Starlight Festival
Site Updates General Announcements Upcoming Sales
Next Month
The Celebration Pawty is Now Live!
🐾 The Celebration Pawty begins! 🎊
We have a lot being unveiled today, so please hold on tight and get comfy for a great read...
The Celebration Pawty Prompts are now live - do all three prompts in this questline to earn yourself a Celebration Pawty Gift Bag!
MYO Event Live!
Every year in September, we allow members to make 1 free Soosh that is locked to their account. These are called Pawty Sooshes and require a few steps to acquire. But, as we said, they are free - and every member is allowed to make one! Just one though, so make it special.
Check it out:
Pawty MYO Event
Hamsters Revealed!
That's right - a new species is joining the Soosh ranks!
These little Sooshes are able to stand upright and have hands and feet to aid them in their adventures.
They have large rodent teeth if desired, and can expand their cheeks to store magic or food.
How do you get one? Well, they are joining Sushi Cats in the newly renamed Companion (formerly Felidae) rarity!
So the same ways you can get Sushi Cats works for Sushi Hamsters... just with a different item.
Will you find the elusive Swirl Seed?
New Foraging Areas!
The Kitchen and Sewing Shop are now available to forage in!
This is a permanent addition to our site as it relates to some new happenings...
New NPCs!
Welcome Belle, Tama and Ebi, and the Koinpeito Pups!
Each of these Sooshes are here to run their new shops and some to be close to their family! Rowan is happy to be running his shop alongside his sister's bistro, but Pommelraie seems a little annoyed at the KP kids...
New Shops!
Belle's Bistro and Tama and Ebi's Pet Parlor are now open!
Belle has brought some new treats and recipes to craft some new Enchantments.
Tama and Ebi are the new pet shop in town as Rowan finally got his courage to stock his own personal sewn products. Way to go, Rowan!
You may want to check out his shop as well...
Advent Calendar Live!
Jam packed with new items, pets, and more. If you get the prize every day, there will be a bonus prize!
If you're looking for something new, then you may want to make sure to commit to getting your gift every day...
It's under the Play tab on-site, so don't forget to check in daily!
Check it out:
Advent Calendar
And more...?
You'll just have to wait and see what the Advent Calendar has in store for you!
Summer Starlight Festival End

Event Currency Reset
When ending the event on-site, we accidentally cleared all of the Ocean Splashers earned from everyone. Oh no!
Due to the nature of the extension and how events run, we have decided that we cannot refund Ocean Splashers without it being an issue in the future again. This means you have to "spend" the Splashers.
We have supplied a free-to-grab Summer Seasonal Trait Box in the Holiday Shoppe to compensate everyone for this issue.
If you lost more than 500 Splashers don't fret! We have a few options to help rectify this issue.
The Holiday Shoppe will be emptied out in a week, so be quick to claim any remaining free gifts before they go away forever!
To claim missing Ocean Splashers:
First, you must send in a claim with a link to your currency logs with the math done for us. We'll double check this, but this speeds us the process.
Just state the Splashers Earned, Splashers Spent, and how many you had before the accidental wipe.
(For example: 1000 Splashers Earned, 500 Splashers Spent, so 500 Splashers missing)
You have two options from here:
A) The items you intended to buy from the Holiday Shoppe that is equal to the Ocean Splashers value.
You can go ahead and select them in the claim!
B) Cookies exchanged for Ocean Splashers at a 1 Ocean Splashers:2 Cookies ratio.
Aka double the amount of Ocean Splashers but in Cookies instead!
We have never allowed a Seasonal Currency:Cookies conversion, so this is a lower rate we feel safest with.
This currency conversion will never be possible again in the foreseeable future.
Those are the available options.
Please try to send these claims in within a week so we can focus on currenty event approvals and next month's festivities.
We hope they make sense!
🌊 🧜♀️ 🎆
Since this extension was new, we know for next year to warn users before the event goal is cleared to spend their Ocean Splashers ahead of time.
The currency cannot roll over, and we do apologize for this!
It's just the way events run in the backend; I will be unable to set a new goal each year without clearing the earned currency from the previous event.
So in the future, Ocean Splashers will be cleared after the Summer Starlight Festival every year. Please keep a note of this!
Thank you for understanding, and we do apologize for the issue!
Final Goal Hit!
The fight was grand, and every user was thrilled to participate in this fearsome battle.
The community managed to hit the goal during the final days of August!
There is one final prize in the shop to signify how you all raced to the finish.
It's free and you only get one, so be sure to choose wisely!
If you want both to make a pair, maybe look around in the shops for the box.
What's that... all of the art has convinced us of something else too?
The On-Site Gallery is now available!
No longer are the days of trying to see the art people do for site happenings via random sites and links. Now you can have any Soosh-related artwork to live on site for the whole community to see!
We have different categories for your prompt art, and some for general art that was not made for anything in particular.
There is also a Free Use subgallery, so if you like making free bases, templates, and more for the community you may submit them there.
There is also an Official Art gallery, which we'll use to host some of the artwork made specifically for the site to help credit each artist that helps build us up.
Thank you guys so much, and we hope this addition is a fulfilling prize! We were unsure of the gallery feature but when we saw the sheer amount of art users were creating for Flavor Fight, we felt it was a true show of passion from everyone.
Why not join us? Submit any and all art today!
We want users to fill the gallery up, so we'll be granting small amounts of Cookies per gallery submission. So bring it on!
And we do apologize for the delay this will inevitably cause us.
Raffle Prize Winners
All of the tickets have been finalized, and raffles now rolled for the prizes for both teams:Pink Coral Cake for Team Sweet's Raffle & Spicy Octopus for Team Savory's Raffle!
And yes, they both have Mersoosh transformations!

For Team Sweet, their winners are:
3rd Place has won a Sooshapon Token + a Seasonal Trait!
Winner is: Seleris
2nd Place has won a Mesmerizing Mirror to create their own Mersoosh + a Seasonal Trait!
Winner is: Robotic-Sparks
1st Place has won Pink Coral Cake + a Seasonal Trait!
Winner is: saphiresong98 !
For Team Savory, their winners are:
3rd Place has won a Sooshapon Token + a Seasonal Trait!
Winner is: donkeyhoovez
2nd Place has won a Mesmerizing Mirror to create their own Mersoosh + a Seasonal Trait!
Winner is: Vixen-dawg
1st Place has won Spicy Octopus + a Seasonal Trait!
Winner is: aisu !
Congrats everyone, and thank you for participating in this year's Summer Starlight Festival!
The Summer Starlight Festival has concluded!
It's time for the big reveal... which team won and has declared themselves the superior flavor?
The winner is...
Team Savory!
By a mere 40 points! What a tight race!
Congrats, everyone!
Patches will be updated in the future to reflect the winning and losing teams to signify the grand win today. Savory Sooshes will wear this patch with pride, and Sweet Sooshes... well, you can still be proud of your efforts!
We hope you guys enjoyed the festival's activities as much as we did!
And from the bottom of our hearts... thank you for making such a valiant effort for your teams!
It was insane at the end, and it was becoming a toss-up which team was going to take home the win.
See you next year!
Site Updates
Soosh of the Month for August
MOD-339: Raindrop Cake
owned by Tigitigerchen!
As a reminder, SotM entries are due the second-to-last day of the Month. This is to ensure ample time to approve and raffle the SotM winner and contact them in time to begin the next month with their Soosh of choice.
This month, SotM entries are due on September 29th.
Please note this date if you plan on participating!
Thank you for understanding.
Birthday Gifts Enabled!
Please have a public birthday to be granted a birthday gift as a thanks for celebrating with us!
These gifts are granted on the 1st of every month, so those with September birthdays have been given the first birthday gifts earlier.
What's in them...?
The Pinata is now able to be opened for a new Fluffiesta pet!
Keep a track of this name; you may need it for a puzzle!
Crafting Enabled
We've had crafting on-site for a few months with the inclusion of Activities but it wasn't in use... until today!
The new foraging areas will drop items you can use to craft Enchantments. But you'll need a recipe first - maybe shop around and see what you want to create first.
Trait Updates
These will be adjusted after the newsletter is posted, so keep your eyes peeled!
- Felidae category renamed to Companion category
- Kitty Whiskers renamed Whiskers (for hamsters)
- Hamster build for Sushi Hamsters created
- Subtypes for Sushi Hamsters created
- Small/Natural-sized Fangs are now always allowed and free to use in designs.
- Saber Teeth the new Vampsoosh Trait (formerly Large Teeth)
- Foxy Ears are now merged with Large Ears
- Large Claws has been downgraded to Gourmet rarity
These are a lot of changes, but we hope the explanations below make sense as to why we have decided to adjust these.
For Large Teeth, we felt they weren't really large at all. Many of them were simple tiny fangs to show their "vampiric" nature but when it comes down to it, their size was similar to fangs we normally let slide. Sushi Dogs and Sushi Cats naturally have fangs after all!
Any "Large Teeth" that we deemed too small will be removed as fangs will be a free-to-use trait from now on. No longer will these dogs and cats be fangless.
Any "Large Teeth" that were excessively large has stayed in the rebranded Saber Teeth trait.
Foxy Ears were a similar predicament. When we looked at Sooshes with Foxy Ears vs Large Ears, the difference was not noticeable. Thus, we felt it was in our best interests to remove "Foxy Ears" and merging it under Large Ears instead. There was no fine line between the two traits, so we felt a merge was far better for the health of the species.
Large Claws were a similar predicament. We allowed small claws already for free, but trying to keep the fine line between the two was frustrating to users. It was especially frustrating for users who wanted a more "wolf" or "big cat" related Soosh, and not being able to access Large Claws at all was a wall we wanted to overcome. We felt that having some traits be a tier away from small and large sizes fit the best, so Large Claws just had to shift down as we wanted to keep small claws free-to-use!
(Small Wings tend to be Gourmet or Seasonal, while Large Wings are mythical; similar concept!)
But no worries; we made sure to replace the traits with some new ones that add more variety to our Sooshes!
Everyone affected will be receiving a Celestial's Gift to use freely as compensation for each Mythical trait that downgraded.
New Mythical Traits Being Added:
Bat Nose for Vampsooshes
Shadow Essence for Vampsooshes
Light Essence for Kitsooshes
Aura Step for Faesooshes
Anyone with a Celestial's Gift can be the first to try these new mythical traits!
They will be getting more in-depth descriptions in the future, but if you have any questions about how they work feel free to ask beforehand!
Have some ideas for future mythical traits? Feel free to suggest some! In the future, Mythical traits will be earnable for site users so we would like a variety that fits any aesthetics users enjoy.
Character Labels Added
You can now see what Sooshes are inspired by existing IPs or have an alternate form of their design. It's fun to browse!
With this change we have more updates regarding Sooshes based on existing IPs and media, so please go to the next section to read more about it!
Other Additions
We will begin unlocking other pet boxes and setting up the recipes to be craftable. (If we set them early, they showed every single new item we were keeping secret until today!)
Keep an eye out for some new things!
General Announcements
IP-Inspired and Character Import Labels Required
If you have a Soosh based on anything media related, please send in a report on-site with the name of the character/food/object and the media it is from. For example, if you have a Pikachu Soosh you would send in "Pikachu from Pokemon" so we could correctly apply the label.If you have a Soosh based on an existing character design, please send in a report on-site with the toyhouse link to the existing design. This just helps users see any existing alternate forms of a Soosh!
IP-Character Limits and Exclusions
These changes were first stated in the discord before we officiated them. We are no longer allowing exact copies of IP characters for Soosh designs. We also have a few more limits that we will outline below!
1. No 1:1 Copies Allowed
This one is the biggest change but felt it was necessary to keep the site safe from cease and desists or other legal actions.
We still allow designs inspired and based off of existing media, but we ask for these adjustments:
- Colors must not be exact or color-picked. Adjust colors to match the "theme" better, or try to apply your own spin on them.
- Accessories can be similar but not exact. Change the patterns, colors, material, and more to make sure it is differentiated!
- Full outfits resembling the original clothes are not allowed. You are free to use these outfits off-site for personal use or personal commissions, but we cannot allow them for official prompts or customs/myo approvals.
We heavily encourage using the "aesthetics" or vibe of the media you are targetting versus just trying to import them as a Soosh. This would add more originality and a personal flair that can still showcase your love for the media!
For some visuals, PsychoPancake has graciously offered some designs and their inspiration!
Inspiration: Boris the Wolf
Design that is too 1:1 and therefore no longer allowed:
The main issues are colors being the same and accessories being very similar. Despite the unique Sushi Dog traits and build, the character inspiration is almost a copy.
Design that is unique and takes inspiration off of the source:
This one is perfect to us! Despite the accessories being similar, the design and colors are separate enough to be considered its own unique take of the inspiration. It no longer looks like a copy.
Here's some more visuals; take a guess what we would allow and what we would reject!
Help keep Sooshes safe! Thank you everyone!
2. No IRL People Allowed
This one was a big one we discussed and ultimately felt we had to shut down.
Fictional characters are, at their core, fake. They do not cause real active harm to others. Real-life people however are complex and cannot be inherently trusted at their core. Everyone can name a beloved celebrity that eventually got exposed for horrible actions, and here at Sushi Dogs we want to prevent any links to such occurances.
Therefore, as of today, we will no longer accept any Sooshes based on any real-life person. Celebrities, deceased individuals, etc. are a part of this. This also includes fictional characters based on people (i.e. a cartoon has a character based on a former President).
We want to avoid any Sooshes based on any problematic figure, but to also respect real-life people's boundaries. It's unsafe to make a fictional design off of a living human, and we will no longer allow it at all.
Thank you for understanding.
3. No Adult/Explicit Content Allowed
We didn't really need to say this, but we wanted to make it clear.
We will not accept any media that is R-rated, Explicit, Sexual, and so on for IP-inspired Sooshes. We encourage and actively welcome teens into this community, and I do not want a label to directly link a teenager to a media inappropriate for their age.
If you have an existing design based on an adult/sexually-explicit media, we do ask that it be voided as soon as possible. We offer the following as compensation for those who want to help be a part of this process:
- Free Redesign Kit
- MYO Reversal (all items granted back into your inventory with the Soosh deleted)
- KP for the Soosh's worth (proof required)
Any designs under this tag will be deleted completely off-site, and you may keep the design to use as a one-off instead. We just want to keep things safe for our minors!
There may be some very tight exclusions made for media considered a classic pop culture icon, where most of society knows of the reference and its rating. Each one of these is base-by-case and we ask that you ask our team if it would be allowed before starting on a design.
4. Character Import Sooshes
Somewhere along the lines, the information regarding these imports got lost so we'll state it again.
Our rules has always been to have the Soosh linked with any designs it is based on and must be traded together. This is still a very strict rule and anyone who does not obey this may be banned from the site.
Secondly, you must get designer permission to make a design into a Sushi Dog. This is necessary.
We want to respect designers and their personal TOS, and to do that we require users to take the steps required to make sure existing designs being turned into a closed species does not circumvent their own terms.
If the designer is no longer around (deleted accounts, moved, offline) then you will not be able to make their designs into a Soosh unless you can find their terms that allow reuse of the design in some capacity.
This is everything!
We felt with these labels, we had to clarify a lot of things that used to be common information so we do hope this helps clear up some things. We also needed to be direct and outline designs we are no longer comfortable with for the safety of our minors.
Thank you so much for understanding.
Retired Sooshes
This keeps getting brought up, so I wanted to make a statement regarding them!
I do not intend to ever allow any Retired Sooshes to return. There are numerous reasons for this, but one of the biggest ones is that they were retired for a reason. It could be the designer's personal decision, or it could have been the result of a ban that was warranted.
We will no longer allow any discussion or showing off of Retired Sooshes anywhere. They are no longer part of the species and should be treated as such. Besides, you may not know what scars you are reopening by discussing Retired Sooshes that may have belonged to a dangerous individual.
Thank you for understanding.
Unprompted Questioning of Soosh's Trade Status
This was on our deviantArt page, and we will eventually add it to a noticeable spot on-site. But please do not DM or harass users for their Sooshes. It does not matter if they are inactive in the species - some users have decided to keep the design for a reason or another. You are free to just ask to be informed if they ever get put up for trade, but any questioning to initiate one is plain rude.
Please be nice and courteous, everyone!
Galleries & Prompts
As a reminder, Character Codes are now required for all Prompt and Gallery submissions. This is to keep everything consistent and to link everything to each character appropriately. Your prompt will be rejected if you do not include a Character Code. Keep that in mind!
When submitting Prompts, it will ask if you would like to notify owners. This is only necessary if you did not upload the art onto an on-site Gallery.
When submitting art to the Gallery, please include participants. This should notify other users as well!
At the end of the day, we just want owners to be notified of any gift art they are given. Thank you for helping the art reach the giftee!
IRL Crafts for Gifts
If you are doing gift art for another user and want it to be a 3-dimensional item or craft, we have a few stipulations!
1. You must get permission from the owner if they are okay with this.
2. You must discuss with the owner if you plan on shipping the item or if you are not comfortable with it.
3. If you want it to be a surprise, you must be willing to ship it.
Shipping costs ideally is discussed between the artist and the giftee. Giftees are normally expected to cover shipping for a gift, so please don't feel bad asking them to cover the cost if they want it!
We've had many issues in the past where users kept physical gifts of Sooshes they did not own, so we wanted to clarify our stance on it.
Please just take extra steps to ensure this is a wanted gift that will not make someone uncomfortable.
Thank you!
Upcoming Sales
🎨 Mark these dates on your calendar! 📅
Here are the upcoming opportunites to take a new Soosh home!
September 7th: very demure, very cutesy Flatsale Duo
by Miizue
September 14th: Custom Soosh Auction
by Staryon
Interested in getting a mythical with some of the new traits?
May the odds ever be in your favor!
September 21st: Mersoosh Auction
by Kyu
A new mythical-traited Mersoosh auction is appearing!
The Mod Batch is always on the final Saturday of each month!
This month it lands on:
September 28th
Coming Up
Discord Game Nights
September 6th @ 5pm Site-Time: The Soosh Games
(Hosted by A_Fallen_Ace)
September 21st @ 5pm: Fall Guys
(Hosted by A_Fallen_Ace)
👻 The Autumn Harvest Festival Returns! 🐺
What's that? The magic in Culario is spilling again?
As is tradition, please look forward to these sales:
Weekly Auctions for part of October
The beloved Trick-or-Treat Batch on Halloween!
I wonder what's going on to cause such a commotion...