MYO Anniversary Event

Welcome to the Anniversary MYO Sushi Dog Event!!

Thanks for being interested in our species and event! To celebrate ten years of Sushi Dogs we are running a FREE MYO event for all members who have not participated in the past! Please be sure to read the rules carefully before submitting!

Rules & Information

Open to All Members (without an ANN Soosh) | Sep 01 - Sep 30 @ 11:59pm

For this event, we are allowing every new user during the month of September to create 1 (one) free Sushi Dog design! This is open to First-Time Owners (FTOs) and long-time members who have not participated in this event in the past!

But here's the catch! We want to hear about a food that means a lot to you and see the Sushi Dog based on it! Sushi Dogs created for this event will be labeled under the "ANN" category rather than MYO (i.e. ANN-001: Mac and Cheese)


• To participate in this event, you must fill out the form at the bottom of the page. This includes a prompt to write at least 250 words about a type of food that means a lot to you! Once ready, please comment below. 

• The Sushi Dog you create must be at least loosely based on the food that you selected to write about!

• All art and design must be completed by the person submitting it! No collaborations or assistance is allowed.

• If a correction needs to be made you will be contacted either via reply or Discord if you choose to include it. Pending submissions are valid up to one week after Sep 30 @ 11:59 pm to allow for corrections. You will be notified before the week deadline.

• Any soosh created under this event is LOCKED to your account. This means you cannot trade them, sell them, gift them, or surrender them to the mirror. 

• If you decide later you no longer want the design, it must be RETIRED as a Sushi Dog. They will remain on the site after retiring for archival purposes using the "RTD" tag.

• All Sushi Dogs submitted via this event must be ALL STANDARD traits. No items will be allowed to help speed up our approval process. You may apply items later once your design has been approved and registered.

• These rules may be updated later upon community questions and concerns. Please be sure to read through it one last time before submitting your design in case something has changed!


Ok! Ready to get started? Fill out the form below before Sep 30th @ 11:59pm!

Discord Username:
Sushi Dog Food:
Story of Food: [must be 250 words minimum]
Sushi Dog Design: [LINK]

I consent that by submitting this design, I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless I retire them from the Sushi Dog species and that they will unable to be reverted back once complete.


uzkost Avatar

Username: uzkost
Discord Username: mrowsers#9646
Sushi Dog Food: Bubblegum Icecream
Story of Food: bubblegum icecream is by far my favorite flavor of ice cream, and one i've adored for quite a while! it's a treat that i'd love to have again and again too! since i was very little, i've always loved the popsicles with bubblegum eyes, and plain bubblegum/chewing gum. but a fully bubblegum flavored ice cream is truly the best in my opinion. it's somewhat rare that i can find some in local grocery stores sadly, but when i do, i make sure to grab myself a tub :3! i've more likely found it in various ice cream shops, which just makes the flavor more fun for me! i keep an eye out when on vacation, or traveling in general, so it's a nice treat i can enjoy while away from home. and no matter the season, i always enjoy the silly flavor and overly bright colors it comes in! it's always a very, very soft texture too, sometimes even with bubblegum pieces in it! i debated over using other sweets, but this one is something i enjoy rarely so i'd love to have a new character based off of it to tide me over a bit :3! my design reflects the soft texture & little gumballs in it that i enjoy, along with some freezer frost sparkles + a handy spoon. i am biased towards the pink color for classic blubblegum a little bit, so that's their main color, but i made sure to add small blue pawpads and a blue bandana to tie that color in too! i'm quite excited to draw this new comfort character, ty for the opportunity!
Sushi Dog Design:

I consent that by submitting this design I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless retired from the species.

2021-08-30 01:02:30

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her

Congrats! Your soosh has been approved and is now registered under your username. If you wish to make any design updates/upgrade features, please click "Update Design" on their profile!

2021-08-30 05:23:40

KingCorps Avatar

Username: KingCorps
Discord Username: SimlacrumCoyote#0778
Sushi Dog Food: Orange Rosemary Bourbon
Story of Food:
For the event I went with a drink that I have actually never had the chance to try, since I'm not of drinking age myself, but my brother is a drinking man himself. Since ive been little ive seen him make all kinds of concoctions both from recipes he has found online, to ones friends have told him, to even just smashing together whatever random gummies, fruits and alcohols he could get his grubby hands on into a mix for him and his friends to enjoy together. Now there is always a chance for any mixed drink to not be exactly what you were hoping for and watching my brother gag at some of the mixes he has made has always been a highlight but nothing matches the quality content of watching my brothers face as he gagged from the "Hallows Eve Brew" that my mother and he came up with. See my brother really likes bourbon and my mom really loves orange and most citrus drinks, however that wasn't the only thing added. Through a bunch of back and forth and mixed ideas they came to mix in other fruits like limes, lemons, cranberries, everything you could think of that had a bitter punch they wanted. Now where did the rosemary come in? That is the best part. A knocked over spice container that sent more than a few spices cascading into the alcoholic concoction. And while Rosemary wasn't the only thing hearing my brothers voice of "WE GOT F**KING ROSEMARY IN THE DRINK?!" will be something I think about on my death bed I'm sure. They fished out as much as they could but its near impossible to remove everything. The large cooler of mixed alcohols and fruits were left to sit and when it came time to taste test my brother was selected. He scooped up a glass took a drink and gagged. He still claims it wasn't the worst drink he has ever had but still, i will always remember his face and him cursing out rosemary forever. So inspired by his grumpiness and his everlasting disdain for rosemary I used it to fit my Halloween doctor vibe sushidog ive wanted to make for quite awhile.
Sushi Dog Design:

I consent that by submitting this design I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless retired from the species.

2021-08-28 03:53:17 (Edited 2021-08-28 03:55:40)

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her

Congrats! Your soosh has been approved and is now registered under your username. If you wish to make any design updates/upgrade features, please click "Update Design" on their profile!

2021-08-30 05:22:44

StartailStudios Avatar

Username: StartailStudios
Discord Username: VoidOutRaccoon 𓆏#0666
Sushi Dog Food: Headless Horseman Cocktail
Story of Food: Where do I start lol, Well the story behind this drink choice goes back to my younger days back in 2010-2012 when I was doing well underage drinking with some friends from my drama class. I wasnt as skilled a drink maker back then as I am to this day. I found the recipe for this drink online and decided to try and make it myself for my friends. At first it was going smoothly and all till I mixed a bit too much of one ingredient and tried it and yah.. was waaay to bitter haha. That said I had a go at it again and made an amazing batch! This drink was the perfect type of drink for our little halloween drama party and with the fact it also holds a special place in my heart due to the fact the Headless Horsemen legend is one of my all time favourite Folktales I couldnt pass up the chance to make one of my first type of drinks something so special to me! Overall the drink went well with my friends and it came to be one of my favourite types of drinks I would drink around the month of october if I had time to make it. Though honestly if I could I would want too have it while actually touring to Sleepy hollow NY but that will have to be a road trip I decide to make after I get through my second round of college Or whenever I decide to throw a party with my current funeral home I work for hah.
Sushi Dog Design:

I consent that by submitting this design I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless retired from the species.

2021-08-28 03:51:32 (Edited 2021-08-31 21:37:25)

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her

Congrats! Your soosh has been approved and is now registered under your username. If you wish to make any design updates/upgrade features, please click "Update Design" on their profile!

2021-09-01 03:28:53

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her

Contacted via Discord in regards to required design changes!

2021-08-30 05:22:38

dana-the-cat Avatar

Username: dana-the-cat
Discord Username: Marshmallows#7121 (Dana!)
Sushi Dog Food: Fruit Sando
Story of Food: I wanted a soosh that was pink because I have pokemon style collected all my aesthetics except for pastel/cottagecore. Fruit sando was my first thought because I wanted them to be pretty and l actually always wanted to try a fruit sando! I am ironically allergic to strawberries but! I don't care! I love strawberries and no one can stop me from eating them >:D
However though as a kid I didn't actually have an allergy to them and they were genuinely my most favorite fruit so I can only assume I just grew an intolerance to them over time. I'd always come home from elementary school with the goods (the goods being fruit, though I can't fathom how I managed to sneak any food home when lunch was in the middle of the day) and wash them off with super hot water- and because I'm extra I'd coat them in sugar and serve my fruit platter to my mom who probably didn't realize but I was a giant dork and thought that I was "cooking" the fruit and that I made a whole dish when in reality......... its fruit. In a bowl. It was special to me though as weird as it is. And that long very off topic rant is why Dana almost always gets points off on her essa- I MEAN why I wanted to do a fruit sando! It has been written you cannot stop me now I'm submitting it like this if I go back I will go even more off topic LOL. Hope you enjoyed my little strawberry rant!
Sushi Dog Design:

I consent that by submitting this design I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless retired from the species.

2021-08-27 22:59:09

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her

Congrats! Your soosh has been approved and is now registered under your username. If you wish to make any design updates/upgrade features, please click "Update Design" on their profile!

2021-08-30 05:22:16

care Avatar

Username: Care
Discord Username: 2004005
Sushi Dog Food: Snowman Cookie
Story of Food: I decided to make this Soosh for this event as it was something I have wanted to do for a long time and it was a simple enough design. When I was younger my family used to always make Snowman Cookies in the winter, or whenever we got close to Christmas, we would make them! It was a long running family tradition to make your snowman cookie and then decorate your snowman. Whoever made the best snowman won and they got a special gift. Usually it was a gift card, but one year they even did an iPod touch. It was awesome, I really miss those days and I hope that I can continue this tradition in my family when I have my own :)
The snowman cookies were then left out for Santa, and my parents always told us that the snowmen would come to life at night and would help santa get down the chimney. Santa would even sometimes leave behind a ginger bread house for them to live in, as a thank you. We always felt too bad to eat the cookies afterwards, because we thought they were sentient, and we didn't want to hurt them lol. This isn't the only holiday we would do this for! We also did this for Easter and Halloween and sometimes even Valentines. They were always meant to be helpers for the Easter Bunny, Santa, The Pumpkin People (this is another story in and of itself so I'm not going to even get started on this)
Regardless, the Snowmen cookies are really near and dear to my heart, so I'm glad I chose this soosh to be one bound to my account forever :)
Sushi Dog Design:

I consent that by submitting this design I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless retired from the species.

2021-08-27 22:08:49 (Edited 2021-08-27 23:34:52)

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her

Congrats! Your soosh has been approved and is now registered under your username. If you wish to make any design updates/upgrade features, please click "Update Design" on their profile!

2021-08-30 05:22:08

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