Pawty MYO Event

Welcome to the Celebration Pawty MYO Sushi Dog Event!!

Thanks for being interested in our species and event! To celebrate another year of Sushi Dogs we are running a FREE MYO event for all members who have not participated in the past! Please be sure to read the rules carefully before submitting!

Rules & Information

Open to All Members (without a PAW Soosh) | Sep 01 - Sep 30 @ 11:59pm ET

For this event, we are allowing every new user during the month of September to create 1 (one) free Sushi Dog design! This is open to First-Time Owners (FTOs) and long-time members who have not participated in this event in the past!

But here's the catch! We want to hear about a food that means a lot to you and see the Sushi Dog based on it! Sushi Dogs created for this event will be labeled under the "PAW" category rather than MYO (i.e. PAW-001: Mac and Cheese)


• To participate in this event, you must fill out the form at the bottom of the page. This includes a prompt to write at least 250 words about a type of food that means a lot to you! Once ready, please comment below. 

• The Sushi Dog you create must be at least loosely based on the food that you selected to write about!

• All art and design must be completed by the person submitting it if possible. If the user is unfamiliar with the species or not confident in their art, they may request FREE assistance from friends.

• If a correction needs to be made you will be contacted either via reply or Discord if you choose to include it. Pending submissions are valid up to one week after Sep 30 @ 11:59 pm to allow for corrections. You will be notified before the week deadline.

• Any soosh created under this event is LOCKED to your account. This means you cannot trade them, sell them, gift them, or surrender them to the mirror. 

• If you decide later you no longer want the design, it must be RETIRED as a Sushi Dog. They will remain on the site after retiring for archival purposes using the "RTD" tag.

• All Sushi Dogs submitted via this event must be ALL STAPLE traits. No items will be allowed to help speed up our approval process. You may apply items later once your design has been approved and registered.

• These rules may be updated later upon community questions and concerns. Please be sure to read through it one last time before submitting your design in case something has changed!


Ok! Ready to get started? Fill out the form below before Sep 30th @ 11:59pm!

Discord Username:
Sushi Dog Food:
Story of Food: [must be 250 words minimum]
Sushi Dog Design: [LINK]

I consent that by submitting this design, I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless I retire them from the Sushi Dog species and that they will unable to be reverted back once complete.


CalzoneCat Avatar

Username: CalzoneCat
Discord Username: CalzoneCat#7271
Sushi Dog Food: Karaage Squid
Story of Food: Every year my dad and I go to the Nihonmachi street festival in Japantown San Fransisco. Japanese culture is really important to my family on both my mom and dad's sides of the family, so one of my absolute favorite dishes growing up was the Karaage Squid I'd get every year at this festival. My favorite events at this festival are the Taiko Drum show, seeing live AAPI live performances of culture rich music, and the vendors that sell tons of art & delicious food. Since Covid hit, they haven't been offering street vendor foods at the festival, instead choosing to promote the local restaurants which, although are absolutely exquisite, I still miss my favorite deep fried squid dish. I hope to have it again in the future, or at least find somewhere that serves it just as well as the festival vendors do, because the chewy tenderness of fried tentacles is one I crave more often than not. I’ve been a fan of sushi dogs for as long as I can remember, around twelve years old, and turning twenty two this year really makes me realize how longs it’s been since I’ve first been interested in this species. I wanted it to be something special and hold deep meaning for myself, so I’m happy there was a prompt for this event. Out of all the different foods I could’ve picked based off my life story, this one is the one that makes me feel the most happy and connected. Food is the number one thing that bring my family and other valuable life experiences together, just as how discovering art communities was life changing for me. I want this sushi dog to be apart of me forever, and I want to invest my energy into it, just as I do in making memories at that festival.

Sushi Dog Design:

I consent that by submitting this design, I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless I retire them from the Sushi Dog species and that they will unable to be reverted back once complete.

2022-09-12 16:31:31 (Edited 2022-09-13 10:51:47)

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her

Congrats! Your soosh has been approved and will be uploaded and registered under your username soon. If you wish to make any design updates/upgrade features, please click "Update Design" on their profile!

Before I upload them however, could you please provide a non-reference, transparent example?

2022-09-21 09:34:49

CalzoneCat Avatar Here you go!

2022-09-23 01:05:03

LightWind Avatar

Username: LightWind
Discord Username: LightWind#2564
Sushi Dog Food: Strawberry Cream Cake
Story of Food: I've been wanting to make a character based on this cake for a while. Strawberries have and will always be my favorite food as it's my number one comfort food. So the second I see a strawberry dessert I love trying it out and my brother at the time was testing out a new recipe he had found. As for why I chose that cake over any other dessert is due to the fact that it's a special dessert for me. I only get to eat it on my birthday so I look forward to it now. Plus, I'm the one who has to make it so it gives me time to relax while baking. I've so far only had good memories making and enjoying it with family. Another reasoning I have is over the years I haven't been able to stomach a lot of foods, especially breaded sweets, without feeling some sort of pain. So finding food for me to enjoy, especially a comfort food is slowly getting a bit harder. But oddly enough this cake doesn't hit me hard and I'm able to eat it without feeling that normal pain I get. It is mostly likely easier on me as it doesn't have frosting, instead made with a whipped cream mixture and the bread doesn't take up a great portion of it either. I honestly didn't know the name of it for a while so we called it 'That Strawberry Cake' so I tried to rename it based on it's looks, mainly being strawberry glaze and cream.
Sushi Dog Design:

I consent that by submitting this design, I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless I retire them from the Sushi Dog species and that they will unable to be reverted back once complete.

2022-09-08 19:41:15

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her

Congrats! Your soosh has been approved and will be uploaded and registered under your username soon. If you wish to make any design updates/upgrade features, please click "Update Design" on their profile!

2022-09-21 09:34:08

MayBay Avatar

Username: MayBay

Discord Username: MayBay#0416

Sushi Dog Food: Chocolate Confetti Cake 

Story of Food: I enjoy eating cake. I don’t have cake very often, mostly from events or birthdays parties, nor do I try different types and flavors. Confetti cake is one the cakes that I do eat, confetti cake is a extremely rare treat for me as my parents don’t make it, At the time the only cakes I ate were the simple chocolate box mix my mother makes from time to time, and I don’t actively go out to events enough to see it, so it’s always a delight when I do eat my hands on a few slices. The first time I ever had confetti cake was at a birthday party for a classmate during school. I remember hesitant of trying it intentionally since I never had any other type beforehand other than simple chocolate cake, so it was totally completely new experience for me at the time. I was not and still someone who try’s new food very often so this experience was somewhat rare and special. Unfortunately for present me I haven’t had this type of cake in a long while, but for what it was for me it was a small yet great experience. In fact this experience made me curious about baking as a whole and I would love to one day make my own confetti cake.

Sushi Dog Design:

I consent that by submitting this design, I am unable to transfer it for any reason, on any platform, unless I retire them from the Sushi Dog species and that they will unable to be reverted back once complete.

2022-09-07 21:23:43 (Edited 2022-09-07 21:25:48)

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her

Congrats! Your soosh has been approved and will be uploaded and registered under your username soon. If you wish to make any design updates/upgrade features, please click "Update Design" on their profile!

2022-09-21 09:33:50

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her


2022-09-06 10:24:10

kayy Avatar
kayy she/her
Featured by Owner


2021-09-01 04:10:50 (Edited 2021-09-01 04:10:54)

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