Illusion (Capability)
Illusion magic creates images or sounds that manipulate the senses into seeing or hearing things that aren't really there. These are "tricks of the light" in a sense. Any images created are noncorporeal (meaning you cannot touch or feel them), and can have "targeted" effects (so only the "target" would experience the illusion).
The illusions created are small (at their largest, they could transform a small enclosed space), and persist only with focus from the soosh casting it (except for VERY powerful soosh!). So for example, a soosh could not cast an illusion that made creatures follow someone, or one that created a large monster. Illusions also cannot have a "maddening" or traumatizing effect (in general, soosh do not injure other soosh!).
Affinity Bonus: Illusion mastery greats the user double the total CR earned from adventures if earning any virtue points, including any CR awarded for available bonuses.
*Sushi dogs must complete the magic questline in order to earn this trait. Specific magic ability should be listed and is locked upon claiming.
Creation (Capability)
Creation magic does exactly what it sounds like--it creates things that weren't there before! These creations are small (should be no bigger than the soosh itself) and have no sentience, although they can follow simple commands given by their creator (such as to sweep a room, or to follow someone).
Creations differ from illusions in that they are tangible, and do not require constant focus by the caster in order to maintain them. It is possible to make something with creation magic that persists even when its creator has gone far away. They do, however, have a "time limit" of sorts, depending on how powerful its creator is. For your average soosh (and for your purposes when playing this ARPG), creations would persist for about a day, unless the creation's magic were "refreshed" by its creator.
Affinity Bonus: Creation mastery allows the user to repeat a previously-completed adventure as long as the adventure is still open.
*Sushi dogs must complete the magic questline in order to earn this trait. Specific magic ability should be listed and is locked upon claiming.
Transformation (Capability)
Transformation magic, naturally, turns one thing into another. This differs from illusion magic in that the object transformed physically becomes something else, and from creation magic in that the transformation must be applied to something currently existing (rather than created from nothing).
Like creation magic, transformations have a "time limit", meaning that the transformation cannot be permanent. Additionally, while it is possible to transform living things, the effect is weakened when used on another soosh (the transformation would wear off within a few minutes), and if the creature was VERY powerful, would not have any effect at all. If it were used on the caster themselves, it would take a great amount of concentration and energy to maintain the transformation.
Transformation magic, like everything else, is also only possible on a small scale, and is 1-to-1. For example, a soosh could transform a single rock into a single coin, but they could not transform a large pile of rocks into a large pile of coins, or a single rock into a large pile of coins. Additionally, transformation magic cannot be used to transform things into living creatures. Only very powerful soosh are able to make such complex transformations.
Affinity Bonus: Transformation mastery allows the user to claim +1 extra virtue point (of the same type already claimed for the prompt) instead of the drawing/writing bonus (only if drawing/writing bonus criteria is met).
*Sushi dogs must complete the magic questline in order to earn this trait. Specific magic ability should be listed and is locked upon claiming.
Enchantment (Capability)
Enchantment magic works by altering the state of another creature, specifically by changing the mood, thoughts, or feelings. It could even be used to enchant an object!
Enchantment magic can only be used on one target at a time, and its effects are generally very small and not long-lasting. When used on another magical creature (like another soosh) its effect is weakened, and may be completely ineffective if the creature is very powerful! For example, this would mean that it is not possible to use enchantment to "enslave" another soosh (however, it could be used to make a soosh follow simple commands, such as "rollover" or "play dead").
Affinity Bonus: Enchantment mastery allows the user to always receive an adventure's quest giver bonus if earning any virtue points, regardless of whether or not the quest giver bonus criteria is met.
*Sushi dogs must complete the magic questline in order to earn this trait. Specific magic ability should be listed and is locked upon claiming.