Site News

July Newsletter

Posted 1 July 2021, 23:13:02 EDT :: Last edited 15 April 2022, 13:23:58 EDT by kayy

Happy July sushi rolls!

Can you believe we are already 7 months into 2021?! The heat is up and we have some things cooking for the coming months to share!

Sooshapon Restock

The sooshapon machine has been restocked!
Need to stock up on some koinpeito? Then click the link below! 

Check out the Cash Shop!

Mini MYO Sale

On July 5th we will be hosting something akin to our old Sooshapon Style Event!
For two limited time frames, there will be limited slots available at a discounted rate, as well as additional items to purchase!

July Time Slots:

10am EST - 10:15am EST
10pm EST - 10:15pm EST

One item per user, per time slot!

MYO Capsules (no random item chance)

10 slots per window
$25.00 USD

Premium Haute Potions

5 slots per window
$15.00 USD

Premium Enchanted Bells

5 slots per window
$45.00 USD

There will be a news post exclusively on the website for this mini-event at the specific time slot so be sure to keep an eye out!


Final Call for Summer DTE!

The end of the Summer DTE is almost here! With almost just 24 hours to go, we will be concluding the grand event! We hope to have results out by the end of the weekend, but please be patient as we deal with the last surge of entrants! There's still time to make your entries so be sure to read up below if you are interested in winning a new soosh!
Summer DTE Journal


New Adventure!

That's right we will have a new adventure prompt ready for you in mid-July! Want to start working towards upgrading a specific Sushi Dog to mythical status? Then this is for you! Showcase one of our virtues in the prompts for the corresponding mythical you wish to one day achieve. You will need to have completed magic training before being able to participate in adventures so be sure to start knocking that out before the time comes!

Start those Magic Trials!


Future Updates

This month is a bit of a slow month, as we are currently operating on an 'every other month' schedule for large events. We will be using these lull months to prep for the large things that will be coming soon, but also to work on longer-term things we want to implement! Please note that all of these are still in the works, and subject to change without notice!

Current Planned Events
  • August: 8th Anniversary Event
  • October: Vampsoosh NPC Design Contest
  • December: Secret Soosh & Advent
  • February 2022: Dragonsoosh NPC Design Contest
  • April: TBD!
Planned Future Updates
  • New Item Art by Staryon!
  • New Trait Upgrade Items
  • New Items in General
  • Achievement System
  • Soosh of the Month System
  • Seasonal Exclusive Currency, Rewards, Traits, Mystery Bags, etc!

We still have a lot to work on, but hope that this gets you excited. We are always open to suggestions if you have anything you would like to maybe become a reality in the group one day!

June Newsletter

Posted 1 June 2021, 15:42:57 EDT :: Last edited 15 April 2022, 13:23:51 EDT by kayy
Happy June sushi rolls! Are you ready for summer already?! In what feels like a blink of the eye, it’s time for some fun in the sun! If you’ve been around for a while you probably already know what that means! But let’s dive right in to some new things happening around the group!

(Click to Enlarge)

Sooshapon Restock

The sooshapon machine has been restocked! We will now be setting the stock to be 5 carat-based slots and 10 koinpeito-based slots since they were wiped clean last month! 
Need to stock up on some koinpeito? 

Summer DTE

Yup you heard that right! It’s time for our (almost) annual Summer DTA/E! Unfortunately due to the state of the world last year we were unable to host the event. We hope you love the designs and theme as much as us!
This year though, we have decided to take on the DTE (Draw to Enter) format rather than the traditional DTA (Draw to Adopt) format of this event! What does this mean for you though? Basically, everyone who enters has a fair chance to win! We will not be judging on the quality of art, characterization of the character’s personality, epic sagas of stories, etc. Rather everyone who enters will receive one ticket into the raffle! All you have to do is draw a full body that is at least flat colored and you’re set! 
We hope the change in format encourages more people to participate in this event! The DTE starts June 4th and will run until July 2nd! We also hope to have final results and prizes out within 24 hours of the event concluding! 

Guest Artist Sales

Due to the DTE, there will be no guest artist sales this month! Stay tuned for the mod batch at the end of the month though!


Kayy has opened up limited custom slots for Sushi Dogs! These custom slots will not be FCFS but rather on a limited, interest-based basis. There are mystery, on base, off base, and mythical options available!

Check out her journal here if you are interested!

Website Updates

I have been hard at work on finding gaps in our website that need to be filled to reduce confusion for our player base. Here are a few updates that have been made in the past few weeks!
  • Addition of a Recaptcha on the registration page to reduce spam. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be working (LOL) so I’m looking into upping the security of the page further.
  • Addition of the “Help” tab in the navigation. This section is now chock full of our guides! We are still working on writing up the trading/selling rules guide, as there has been an increased amount of confusion with some of our rules, and want to make sure it’s all upfront for you.
  • Disabled the ability to “name” your soosh on the website. We have restricted this to staff only to include food names, which means that sooshes will now be searchable by theme! With this happening as well, we are slowly adding on traits to all sooshes on the site. Please be patient while we slowly transition all characters on the site!
  • Refreshed look on the About page, with new icons and buttons, and the addition of the calendar!
  • Updated fonts and some colors across the site
  • Beginning stages of updating the trait guide with new images.

Future Plans

Now that we are getting into the swing of our ownership change, things are moving at a much quicker pace around Soosh HQ! With all hands on deck, we are making sure delay times are minimized and new ideas are constantly floating around! With the groundwork Chital has laid for us in terms of lore and world-building, we are excited to expand on it in the coming future. I don’t want to reveal too much yet as I don’t want to set any expectations to release dates, but here are a few things we have been brainstorming for transparency!
  • New Shops and Items
  • New NPCs
  • Phasing in new upgrade items and reworking Haute Potions
  • Achievement System
  • Soosh of the Month System
  • 8th Anniversary Event
  • Future Events
  • World Building
  • Site Design Overhaul
  • Seasonal Exclusive Traits

And that’s all we have for now! We can’t wait to see your entries to the DTE this year! 

Have any thoughts or ideas for what we can do to improve? Let us know!!

May News - Announcement!

Posted 1 May 2021, 13:42:59 EDT :: Last edited 15 April 2022, 13:23:38 EDT by kayy

May 2021 Update Log - Important Update


Hello everyone! It’s been a minute since we have been able to update you on current happenings. Some pretty big changes are afoot so buckle in!


Ownership Updates

As of today, May 1st, Sushi Dogs will be under new ownership, and Chital will be stepping down from her role as the owner. We know this may seem sudden to you all but hope you understand that it was something needed to be done! We thank her for three years of ushering in a new era for the species! A lot has changed since her takeover and we can’t wait to see what comes next from the roadmap she has created.

The new owner should be someone a lot of you are familiar with and have seen around the group! Kayy (fawncore) has been a moderator of the group for almost four years now and is ready to take on the role of becoming the new owner of the species. We welcome her as our new leader and can’t wait to see what happens! We hope you stick around or hop on to see what is to come!

In this time of transfer, please be patient with new changes and letting things get settled. A lot has changed for us and we definitely have a steep learning curve to try and make sure everything is on track, especially with the new website and it’s day to day functions!

Moderation Team Additions

With ownership updates comes new change! We are happy to welcome on a new set of staff, something we haven’t done since 2017! Though our team has changed much over the past few years, we are excited to bring in some fresh minds with our new moderators! Please welcome the following members to our team!

Star - Staryon |  Dawnan - Dawnan |  Radio - Radio  |  Dipper - PrinceDipper

Interested in joining the team? Based on how things go with our new transition, we may open more slots! Please keep an eye out for applications in the future


Guest Artist Sales

Long awaited surely, but our Guest Artists auctions and sales will be back in action! Stay tuned every other Monday starting on potentially May 3rd, for new sales on our website and DeviantArt! Interested in becoming a Guest Artist? We will be running an interest and capacity check soon to see if anyone can join the team!

In addition we will also now be hosting a themed monthly mod batch at the end of each month in conjunction with the regular GA sales!



Charity Sales

Many years ago we ran a very successful sale to donate to the tragic Orlando nightclub shooting that targeted LGBTQ+ individuals. In todays current global climate, it feels only right to bring this back and run specific sales where all proceeds will go to amazing organizations that help marginalized groups. It’s a lot to get done in a short amount of time, so we hope to be able to spread these in throughout the year (June is an exciting month but we simply can't do all of it at once!). Stay tuned for future updates.


Summer Event

With summer right around the corner, surely you know what that means! Our annual summer DTA will be hot on it’s trails with some amazing designs from our Guest Artist team! I already have a few themes planned and am exciting to see what our wonderful GA's can create! Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks and for how it will be implemented into the website.


Suggestion Box

With a lot of new changes right out the gate, you may be wondering if larger game mechanics, traits, or items will be changing! For the first few months we would like to plan out according to what the community may think is in their best interest! You are our #1 priority afterall! Please fill out the anonymous survey below and let us know your thoughts!

Disclaimer that all suggestions are subject to Kayy’s approval and overall group rejection. We reserve the right to disregard some suggestions based on the betterment of the overall species.

Monthly Calendar

See below with a glimpse at our tentative schedule for May! We hope to have more things gear up once our team is more settled and can’t wait to share more with you! Click for full res!


Thank you so much for reading!
Questions? Feel free to drop them in the comments below!

What upcoming events would you like to see? Are there any items you think we should consider making? Let us know it all!!

January 2021 Update Log

Posted 3 February 2021, 00:33:32 EST :: Last edited 15 April 2022, 13:23:31 EDT by kayy
General Site Updates

The Sooshapon Machine will now stock 10 total sooshapon tokens (5 buyable with CR, 5 buyable with KP), decreased from 20 total.

Premium potions and premium bells can now be purchased from Pommelraie's Salon for KP. Stock will be limited each month, so act fast! Currently, we have no ETA on when or if haute potions or enchanted bells will be buyable with CR.

New Features

The Enchanted Mirror is finally open for business again! While surrenders are currently closed, we've uploaded every soosh currently stuck in the mirror to be adopted for CR. Our friends on discord got to have the first look at the new and improved mirror, but there's still plenty of cute soosh up for grabs if you've got the dosh for it! When surrenders are opened, Pommelraie's Salon will be stocked with sooshapon capsules, haute potions, and enchanted bells to trade for mirror currency.

Bugs Fixed

User profiles were showing a 500 error for about 2 weeks at the end of January. This has been resolved now, thank you for your patience! It took quite a bit of tinkering to figure it out. ;w;/

Current Plans

A batch of new mods are planned to be brought on within the month! We'll be working to plan our Spring event for March if time allows. Please look forward to it!

The Enchanted Mirror will be opened for surrenders at a date to be determined, as some mod discussion is still needed to plan for the duration and frequency of opening (value calculations are done manually, so we'd like to avoid overloading mods with extra work if we can help it!).

Our first adventuring prompt will be posted within the week. Be sure to complete the magic training questline if you'd like to start earning virtue points from adventuring!