Site News

September Newsletter

Posted 4 September 2023, 11:26:27 EDT :: Last edited 7 September 2023, 08:21:49 EDT by Staryon

✦ Happy Anniversary, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month's newsletter announces the Team Fight winners, raffle soosh winners, and the current Anniversary event! We'll also briefly mention the next seasonal festival - the Autumn Harvest festival! Yes, it's about that time again.

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

Sushi Dog Discord

✦ Summer Starlight Festival Winners ✦

It was a tight race throughout the entire event... both teams were leading at different points! But, in the end, only one can win...

What team won?
Why, it was

Team Food!

Congratulations! The fight was still tight in the end - Team Food won by only 2 tickets!! 
But the rules are rules so... congrats to my fellow Foodies! I knew we were always right in the end.

Patches will be made and granted during this month. As a reminder, the patches are for the Winning Team (Food), Losing Team (Drink), Traitors (both teams), and Loyalists (one team)! Look forward to them!

Now to get on with it... the raffle winners! We didn't forget about you guys.


✦ Raffle Winners ✦

Team Drink

3rd Place: Haute Potion + Any Summer Pet Box
Winner: arwen

2nd Place: Sooshapon Token + 1 Summer Seasonal Trait Item
Winner: Mooncyder

1st Place: Sunrise Soda Sushi Dog
Winner: LightWind

Team Food

3rd Place: Haute Potion + Any Summer Pet Box
Winner: NaiKat

2nd Place: Sooshapon Token + 1 Summer Seasonal Trait Item
Winner: muthecat

1st Place Prize: Choco-dipped Banana Sushi Dog
Winner: Whitefang1738

For anyone who won 2nd or 3rd place, feel free to comment on this news post or dm Staryon on discord to claim your choice of Box or Trait! Thanks everyone, and we hope you all enjoyed!


10 Years of Sooshes ✦

The discord has been popping off with all of the new happenings - so let me lay it all out in this newsletter!

Anniversary MYOs open again!

This is our yearly free myo event for any member who has not previously created one. This is a free Sushi Dog that is locked to your account - perfect for sentimental designs that you plan on keeping forever!
Check it out here: Anniversary MYO Event

The anniversary questline is live again!

Doing all three prompts will net you 1000 carats, a Party Popper, and a small chance to win a Haute Potion or Enchanted Bell! 

New memories prompt!

Missed out on a seasonal trait you wanted? There's a new chance to earn one - just one! This prompt's difficulty is higher, but it's just one prompt to gain your seasonal trait. Are you ready?
Check it out!

Three raffles to enter!

Are you a FTO? Or do you like writing? If you just draw, that's okay too! We have a raffle for each of these categories!
Just click on the images below to be taken to their respective prompts.

10 Sooshes for our 10 years!

Wow - 10 Sooshes for 10 years of Sooshes! Isn't that something?
Check out all of the designs and their upcoming auction dates - here is their previews!

Monstera Fruit has become an OTA, so feel free to offer to gain a uniquely plant-based Soosh!
Gold Drip Rainbow Cake's auction goes live today - do you want to take home a fluffy, regally excited Soosh? Check it out!

Good luck to everyone planning to bid or autobuy!
We hope you love each design as much as we do.


✦ Final Festival (they will return!) ✦

The Autumn Harvest Festival is next month!
As usual, look out for new seasonal pet boxes, three new seasonal traits, and the prompts to earn the festival currency!

This is our final one to reveal - we hope you have enjoyed each one! Of course, they will continue to return annually, so look forward to them! I heard there may be new traits in the winter as well...


And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

August Newsletter

Posted 7 August 2023, 11:30:06 EDT :: Last edited 7 August 2023, 11:30:06 EDT by Staryon


✦ Happy August, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month marks the last half of the Summer Starlight Festival, reveals the Art Fight Soosh Raffle Winners, and has news about the upcoming Sushi Dogs Anniversary! An entire decade of Sooshes - wow!

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

Sushi Dog Discord


Art Fight Raffle Winners✦

This year's Art Fight was jam-packed with tons of Soosh art! So much so that it took a few extra days to make sure everything was approved and ready to go.

Here are the winners for each Soosh!

Team Vampire Raffle Prize
Winner: Mooncyder

Team Werewolf Raffle Prize
Winner: Silvetz

These Sooshes are transferred to their new owners, and are on a month-long cooldown. Their pets are also character-bound, so they will always have their little friend... it's in their inventories!

Please give a special thanks to Tamurachii for offering to design these prizes last minute (seriously, I'm mildly terrified) just for an incentive for the community. We got a ton of entries this year so we hope the grind was fun for participating members!

✦ Summer Starlight Festival ✦

New sub-quests for the festival went up earlier this month! Now there are new ways to earn tickets and reign your team supreme.
Of course, we need to show off the raffle prizes to make sure you guys know what you are aiming for!

It's also time to reveal the raffle prizes:

Team Drink

1st Place Prize: Sunrise Soda Sushi Dog
2nd Place: Sooshapon Token + 1 Summer Seasonal Trait Item
3rd Place: Haute Potion + Any Summer Pet Box

Team Food

1st Place Prize: Choco-dipped Banana Sushi Dog
2nd Place: Sooshapon Token + 1 Summer Seasonal Trait Item
3rd Place: Haute Potion + Any Summer Pet Box

These prizes are so summery, are they not? Hopefully we see some more fun seasonal traited Sooshes in the future!
Once the festival ends, we will be giving out patches for these findings:
Winning Team
Losing Team

These patches are simply awards, so please do not be pressured to stick to a team if you want a chance at winning either Soosh. Do note that you can only win once, so you'll be granted the highest placed prize. Thanks so much everyone!

Keep an eye out sooshlings - seems like there's an abundance of Ocean Splashers washing up, so look out for surprise drops in the discord server! They are not confined to any channel, so keep an eye out in case you can take some extra event currency home. There does seem to be more pet boxes in the shop. Where did they come from?


Soosh Sales ✦

There is an auction batch this month on the 12th - this Saturday!
Theme? Well, I think Sooshes are my favorite animal, but there are some other cool ones.

Seems like there is a crowd of Sooshes coming in next month... It's never been seen before!


10 Years ✦

Sushi Dogs turns 10 in two days! A whole decade of these sweet Sooshes!
Since the summer festival takes place in August, the anniversary event will continue to take place in September.

Seems like there will be 10 Sooshes to show off all throughout September! You'll have to keep your eyes peeled every Monday and Friday.
These will all be auctions until the final, grand reveal! So if you're looking for a brand new Soosh to commemorate the anniversary, you better start planning!
Not exciting enough? Well... each Soosh do have a new trait from this past year of festivals. If you can't decide what you're looking for, maybe write a list of your favorite seasonal traits and look out for them!

Here are the artists participating:
aisu Alexdream12 Kyu linborghini Miizue
pudipon Rannarbananar Starkindler Staryon Tamurachii

As usual, we will also open up forms to make an Anniversary MYO soosh! This is a free Soosh you can design that is trade-locked to your account. Make a sentimental design, a Soosh form of an existing beloved OC, or a design that you find fun to draw for future art! Each account can have one ANN-XXX design, so if you have never made one yet feel free to start thinking up some ideas.

That's it for this newsletter - we hope this busy season continues to give you guys much excitement!


And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

July Newsletter

Posted 8 July 2023, 11:15:48 EDT :: Last edited 8 July 2023, 11:32:13 EDT by Staryon


✦ Happy Summer, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month has the beginning and end of Art Fight, as well as the start of our Summer Starlight Festival! Not only that, but the long-awaited reveal of the Summer DTE winners!!

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

Sushi Dog Discord


Summer DTE Winners✦


Thank you so much everyone for participating in the Summer DTE! We loved each piece of art done by every member, and we hope the future owners will cherish them as well.

Here are the winners for each Soosh!

Manta Ray Soda Pop Winners

1st Place: Tigitigerchen

2nd Place: CarrsCrap

3rd Place: Peach_moon

Bubblegum Bottle Fizz Cocktail Winners

1st Place: Celtrist
2nd Place: Robotic-Sparks
3rd Place: roxybirdie

Grapefruit Margarita Winners
1st Place: NaiKat
2nd Place: Bushka
3rd Place: GlitchedOcelot

Dragon Fruit Bowl Winners
1st Place: PaddlePudds
2nd Place: ThorinFrostclaw
3rd Place: Starryservals

Summer Fruit Rolls Winners
1st Place: Mooncyder
2nd Place: Leah
3rd Place: Snek

BBQ Chicken Skewer Winners
1st Place: muthecat
2nd Place: LightWind
3rd Place: saphiresong98

Prizes will be deposited later today! If you are a winner of a DTE Soosh, please DM Modmail in the Sushi Dog discord with your toyhouse username to receive them faster!
Thanks so much again everyone, and thank you to the GAs that let this happen!

✦ Summer Starlight Festival ✦

It's time now Sooshes - which team will reign? Team Food or Team Drink?
The prompts are going live at 12pm! We ask that you stick to a Team this month, but if there is an obvious disbalance next month... maybe it'll be a good time to be a traitor to your team.

No worries though - more prompts will go live in August for the festival! Also, seems like there's supposed to be more pet boxes... what's that? You'll have to gift to a friend or foe? What could that even mean? Guess we'll find out!!



Soosh Sales ✦

There is an auction this month on the 15th, so look out for it!
Otherwise, save you wallets for the mod batch or for another GA auction batch in August. We hope you love critters!

You might be asking if we already have a theme for this month's mod batch... personally I think it stinks!


10 Years ✦

Sushi Dogs turns 10 in August! A whole decade of these sweet Sooshes!
Since the summer festival takes place in August, the anniversary event will continue to take place in September.

Everything is under wraps but we hope this decade is fun for everyone! We'll have more details as we get closer to it!


And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

June Newsletter

Posted 30 May 2023, 17:07:13 EDT :: Last edited 2 June 2023, 10:36:08 EDT by Staryon


✦ Happy Pride Month, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month has our annual Summer DTE and the return of Adventures - we hope members have fun participating in this month's activities.

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

Sushi Dog Discord


Summer DTE ✦


Looks like the Summer brought out these fun-loving Sooshes around - and what's this? Team Food vs Team Drink?
We'll discuss this team fight further down in the Newsletter!
It's that time of year: the annual Summer DTE! This year is packed with delicious designs by:
Alexdream12 , linborghini , Kyu , Rocco, and Tamurachii !
As this is a Draw-to-Enter, this means the Sooshes are won via raffle. All you have to do is make a nice piece of art for the Sooshes you desire!
You can only win one, so if your name is raffled off as a winner for a Soosh and you win another, it will be rerolled! This is to ensure more users can win a Sushi Dog (or Cat!) of their own.
There are multiple prizes per prompt, so feel free to enter if you also desire some site goodies!
Remember; these prompts are only open for the duration of June so please allot time to enter this month if you have your eyes on a lovely Soosh. 
Good luck everyone!

Check out the DTE Prompts!


Raffle Prize Winners

The Spring Blossom Festival has concluded, and with that the raffle has been rolled. Congrats to these winners!

3rd Place: Sunset Buttercream Cake by Tamurachii
Won by: roxybirdie


2nd Place: Grande Matcha Latte by linborghini
Won by: AcuteExposure



1st Place Grand Prize: Spring Time Cake, Sushi Cat by aisu
Won by: LightWind


Thank you, everyone!

This past year has been packed with new events and happenings, and it makes our days when the community expresses how much they love them. We're getting close to finishing our first year of seasonal festivals - just two more to go!

We hope you continue to enjoy them all and look forward to the new traits and items that come with each one.

The current Holiday Shoppe will still be open for another week for any last-minute purchases for those who haven't decided on what they wanted! Raffle tickets have been removed as well.

✦ Summer Starlight Festival ✦

I'm sure you're here wondering what the whole Team Food vs Team Drink deal is.
Looks like you're going to have to choose a team next month and fight for what is better: Food or Drinks!
Seems like the summer fills Sooshes with spirit - and every year, they're ready to fight for their chosen teams.
Teams are determined by users' choice, so don't feel pressured to be on a certain team if your Sooshes aren't fitting!
The Summer Festival will have prompts ready to show off why your side is better, as well as one for those who are participating in Art Fight as well!
What team are you choosing?

I heard Zero exclaiming that his insides are powered by gamer juice. Not sure what that means exactly, but he seems quite passionate.
Look forward to it, everyone!


New Adventure Prompt ✦

Are you ready to resume your quest for mythical status? A new adventure prompt will be available this month!

Seems like there's a damsel in distress... in a tower...? What exactly is going on here?!

Find out when the prompt goes live on site, and have fun using your magic to save those in need!



Soosh Sales ✦

We hope you guys don't mind a break from GA auctions!
We have one more auction batch of GA designs coming up this month, but after that there will be a break so the GAs can submit more designs to be sold in the future.
Moderator batches will continue as normal - so there are always chances to get a new Soosh for your own. Thank you so much!



Balancing Changes ✦

Watch out: it's time for a patch to balance things!

Specifically in this: writing changes and magic questline adjustments.
Writing requirements have changed to require more effort from users. We do love writings by our community, but when an art rpg group has more writing entries than art entries in events, there is an issue.

Writing minimum requirements have been adjusted to be a minimum of 1000 words. We had lowered this in the past for users who claimed writing that many words was far too much, but with the influx of written entries we see that this is an easier alternative to artwork. This was never our intention!

Writing was always meant to be inclusive for community members who did not draw or were not confident in their art abilities. This was never meant to be an easier alternative for artists. Thus, we determined that changes to writing requirements were necessary.
That is not the only change for writing: we are now more thorough as to what we expect from members' written entries.

The requirements are laid out in the prompt guide page, so please read it over if you plan on submitting writings.
Lastly, to give the mods a bit more of a break from constant prompt submissions, we have limited the Magic Questline prompts to be submitted to once a month per user.
If you want to grind for carats, Oodles of Doodles was meant to fulfill that purpose. However, on many occasions our mods got flooded with those who found time to grind magic prompts with numerous Sooshes at once.
We love the passion but this overwhelmed us in times of events!
We sincerely hope you guys understand the changes, and appreciate the transparency as to why I decided these were for the best.
As usual, we do take in community feedback. Does it feel like carats are hard to grind for? Or maybe there just isn't enough prompts to tackle? Do flash prompts need a dramatic return? Let us know in #suggestions-box in the Sushi Dog Park Discord!


And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

May Newsletter

Posted 5 May 2023, 11:11:53 EDT :: Last edited 5 May 2023, 11:22:27 EDT by Staryon


✦ Happy May, Sushi Rolls! ✦

Back with another news update!
This is a bit of a slower month before we slam into Summer - which means we have plenty to look forward to.

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

Sushi Dog Discord


Mid-Event Update


You didn't think we'd forget the free gift, did you? Zero and Cookie are so thankful for the sooshes helping solve the mystery, and have packed some extra petals in a free box that is now stocked in the shoppe!

Check out the Holiday Shoppe!


Raffle Prizes Reveal

This event has a few Sooshes that need rehoming! Thus, the raffle will have 3 winners in total - each winning a lovely Soosh.

3rd will get: Sunset Buttercream Cake by Tamurachii
2nd will get: Grande Matcha Latte by linborghini


1st will earn the Grand Prize: Spring Time Cake, a Sushi Cat by aisu !

This flowery soosh has the Sheer Bandana trait that you can earn in this event!

We hope that this raffle reveal brings more excitement to players who would rather earn Sooshes than traits during the event, or simply have reduced time and unable to grind for the seasonal traits this year. (#relatable)

Thank you, everyone!

This event was quite similar to our previous Snowfall event - just filled with way more sub quests and seasonal traits! No worries though... get ready to pick a side and fight for your honor in the Summer Starlight Festival beginning in July. Want to know the teams? Keep reading!

✦ Summer DTE ✦

The annual Summer DTE is happening next month! There will be 6 Sooshes up for grabs, with one being a Sushi Cat!
Remember, as this is a DTE, winners are just chosen at random. You can enter for every Soosh but only win one. This information is just a refresher so you can plan ahead if you want to participate.

There is one more thing - these sooshes are participating in the Team Fight for Summer Starlight Festival! I can't reveal too much yet, but it has to do with what you enjoy having at the table...


Soosh Sales ✦

Since we decided on a theme before the newsletter was posted, I'm just going to go ahead and tease the theme for the May Moderator Batch: We hope you love water!

Every Saturday will continue hosting a sale for GAs until the final Saturday each month, which is held for the Mod Batches! We have a lovely soosh by Miizue coming up for auction tomorrow, so look forward to it!


Returning Activities ✦

The DTE isn't only next month - we are going to bring back Mythical Adventures so you can continue on your quest to mythical status for your Sooshes.
The mirror will reopen tomorrow as well! These should happen monthly but please be patient in case the weekends need to change.
Alongside this, Star is going to try to host activities to have game nights in the Discord again.
Be on the lookout as he may sporadically host one randomly!
Lastly... lore! We have been wanting to focus more on lore and have tidbits written for the community to help develop their own Sooshes relationships with NPCs, their environment, and more. Of course, you are not obligated to follow lore when doing art - keeping everything strictly canon can be restricting! We just want to provide more knowledge regarding Culario and its happenings.


And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

April Newsletter

Posted 1 April 2023, 12:08:09 EDT :: Last edited 1 April 2023, 12:08:09 EDT by Staryon


✦ Happy April, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month is the beginning of a brand new seasonal event packed with new traits and pets!

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

✦ Soosh of the Month Break ✦

I will be putting this prompt on a break due to low entries every month. For those who entered in March - thank you! I will be getting into contact with each of you to give a separate prize as this is a last second change. I want to take suggestions on how to make this prompt more thrilling and desirable for users, so please let me know in the discord server or down below what you'd like changed!



✦ Spring Blossom Festival ✦

Happy beginning of Spring Blossom Festival, Sooshes!

Woah - seems like there is a massive flower overgrowth problem?! And... flowers coming to life? What is going on?

Figure out by participating in the event questline and solving the mystery in the sub quests!

Gain our new event currency, Petals , by participating in these event limited prompts for the duration of April and May and spend them in the Holiday Shoppe for special seasonal items that can only be found at this time of the year!

Check out the Holiday Shoppe!


✦ GA Sales Return! ✦

Sorry for the delay - with Kayy's life duties swallowing up her time, I've been allowed to take over GA sales and will resume posting them on Saturdays!
Thus, the first sale starts today:

Shortbread Flower Cookies


This lovely collab design by Flufflebear and Ponkochi is an auction open for two days - please take a peek and good luck bidding!

Check out the auction!


And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

March Newsletter

Posted 1 March 2023, 12:50:11 EST :: Last edited 1 March 2023, 13:03:36 EST by Staryon


✦ Happy March, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month is a bit relaxed before we roll into the new season. Enjoy the break and prepare for our next seasonal event in April!

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

✦ Soosh of the Month! ✦

Month of March


Owned by Robotic-Sparks

Remember, you could be featured next month by drawing the above soosh!

Check out Soosh of the Month



Events Ending ✦

Thank you everyone for participating in the Snowfall Festival! I hope everyone enjoyed the prompts and prizes that were available.
The Snowfall Raffle will be rolled this Friday, and Staryon will distribute the prizes to the winners after rolling.

The Holiday Shoppe will remain open until March 7th; the frozen tickets will no longer be purchaseable after the raffle is rolled on the 2nd so don't forget to grab those before then!
There is only a few more days to get some pets in the Sweetheart Day prompts! These were short, limited-time prompts to celebrate our affections for our loved ones.
These prompts will end after the 7th, so please check them out before they go!

On a similar note - there is no estimated hiring date for the mod applications. This is a lengthy process that requires numerous steps on our end, so we appreciate patience for anyone who has applied. We look forward to every application!


✦ Season of Spring ✦

Beginning in April will be the Spring Blossom Festival!
Similar to Snowfall Festival, this event will have main quests and subquests to earn some event currency for some new items and prizes!

We hope you look forward to it!


And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

February Newsletter

Posted 30 January 2023, 17:38:35 EST :: Last edited 1 February 2023, 12:27:05 EST by Staryon


✦ Happy February, Sushi Rolls! ✦

Back with another news update!
This one is packed with info that we feel may be important to the community such as: Return of the Soosh (of the Month), Mid-Event Update for Snowfall Festival, Nitro Booster Perks, a "Sweet" Holiday next month, and more details about the mod restructuring! (P.S. We are hiring!)

Please scroll down to read more!
If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

✦ Return of the Soosh (of the Month)! ✦

That's right - after a long break, Soosh of the Month is back!
Due to not having the prompt to raffle off of, I raffled every single prompt entry done by January 30th to find a winner for February!

Peppermint Popcorn

Owned by CarrsCrap

Remember, you could be featured next month by drawing the above soosh!

Check out Soosh of the Month

Mid-Event Update


Seems like the community has been hard at work in helping the townsfolk with all the festival mishaps!
During all of the commotion, it seems like Festival Cookie and Festival Zero found a forgotten gift for you! (Or maybe it was just misplaced in the chaos...)

Check out the Holiday Shoppe!

Writing is now allowed!

Sorry - when creating the event we had been so distracted that we did not realize writing requirements were left out of the prompts!
We have rectified this for the mid-event update (once we clarified if we had a mod ready to read your writings). We hope this allows more members to fully participate in the event!

The prompts already state the requirements, but as a refresher: Writings must be 500 words at the minimum. You can get a writing bonus of +50 Carats if you write 1000 words! Character bonuses also apply to writing, so you can earn an extra few Candycanes as well.

Raffle Prize Reveal

We know many have been wondering what the Snowfall Raffle was for; we wanted to gauge the participation in the event before fully settling on prizes and you guys did so well we added 5 more prizes to the pool! This means there will be six winners overall.

6th and 5th will win: a Haute Potion! 
4th and 3rd will win: a Sooshapon Token! 
2nd will win: an Enchanted Bell! 


1st will earn the Grand Prize: the Snowdeer Cake Sushi Dog! 

This winter-ful soosh has the Magic Aura trait that you can earn in this event! 
We hope that this raffle reveal brings more excitement to players who did not have a set plan for their candycanes.

Thank you, everyone!

This event was a team effort behind the scenes. There may have been a few hiccups but we are very thankful to see how excited our community has been, and admiring all of the prompt entries that you guys have put so much love into!

We hope you can look forward to more events in the future.

✦ Nitro Booster Perks ✦

We have been doing Nitro Booster Perks in the discord server for over a year, and found consistent members partaking in them (thank you)!
It required a few test perks that have been shifted and adjusted over the year, but as of now we can officially state the perks we are sticking with:

If you use 1 boost on the server, you get 3 Koinpeito 12-icon.png every month you boost!
If you use 2 boosts on the server, you get 5 Koinpeito 12-icon.png every month!
Lastly: You will gain a free event item when events are running! January was the Pet Box item.

As an extra bonus, every nitro booster gains access to themed Your-Soosh-Here bases created by Staryon - this is always available to any and everyone who boosts.

Consider these monthly perks as a passive income for the site!

Boosts allow our server to have a banner (and thus hold banner contests), as well as gaining us new emote and sticker slots.
We even have a custom url!

Sushi Dog Discord

The discord server is the hub to everything Sooshes, so check it out!

Mod Restructuring ✦

Kayy explained last month about the restructuring.
This was an overdue task to reassign mod duties as we find ourselves growing older and gaining new responsibilities in our lives.
(You're not the only ones growing up, Sushi Rolls!)

This should make the group run far smoother than before.
We do apologize for the delays and unanswered inquiries the community has dealt with in the past. Our focus is always on the community's enjoyment of our cute food species, so we hope you can feel as cherished as you are!

You'll find that the redesign queue is reopened, and also more consistency in other site workings including the newsletter!
The other mods have been doing wonderfully in their new roles, so be sure to thank them in sticking with us as we continue to adjust to our different needs.

Now Hiring! 

We just needed January to test out these new duties and see what may be missing.
And well... we're in need of one more mod!

We are looking for a new approval mod; this mod will work under Rannarbananar to help approve MYOs, redesigns, and update appraisals.
This task isn't as easy as it sounds - you'll need to be knowledgeable on our traits, theme allowances, and learn how to appropriately appraise any and all Sooshes!

It can be daunting at first but we believe anyone can do it. You'll be trained for the role, and will gladly answer any and all questions you will have regarding the approval process. Just click the button below to find the mod application; we look forward to hearing from you!

Join the Team!



Something Sweet in the Air...

You may want to grab a friend for this! Or maybe have someone in mind...
Wait - I think both works? 
I can't wait to tell my loved ones how much they mean to me!


And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

January Newsletter

Posted 7 January 2023, 17:45:58 EST :: Last edited 7 January 2023, 17:52:24 EST by kayy


✦ Happy New Year Sushi Rolls! ✦

After a much-needed break, our mod team is back in action! There have been a few changes to the site and we hope that you like them. I will be breaking down each change in the below sections, but first, a teaser for our next event!


✦ Enchanted Mirror ✦

The Enchanted Mirror is now open for the month of January! It will be open until Monday, Jan 9th at roughly 12pm EST.
To surrender a soosh to the mirror, please click "Submit" and then "Surrender." Please allow up to 5 days for your soosh to be accepted, and make sure you submit their toyhouse to Pommelraie as well!

There are a ton of new sooshes for you to buy, including ones to buy with mirror shards now!

Winter Snowfall Festival


The snow is falling and the skies are twinkling. The winter solstice festival has arrived! It is the longest night of the year and soosh gather around Culario plaza to celebrate. Many watch the mystical aurora borealis spread throughout the night sky. Sooshes make wishes under the falling stars and some may even catch a glimpse of a special something flying around! There are also various winter activities, such as snowball fights, festival stands, and a big feast that lasts for weeks! These activities are causing a commotion around the plaza, making some curious creatures want to take part in the festivities too… Maybe you can befriend some?
This event will ideally be starting on January 14th, barring any website-related issues. If we do have any issues, some features may be delayed. Stay tuned!



Website Updates

Mod Structure
You may see a few new moderator roles across the site! Our team has been divided up into teams of two per section, but we will all be assisting still where we can! We may be hiring soon so be sure to keep an eye out if that’s something you would be interested in. Also, you may notice that some of our asset art has been changing slightly! I have taken over this duty to help the team focus their efforts on more pertinent things while I supervise the group happenings!
Pommelraie’s Salon
Redesign Kit

Introducing the newest addition to Pommelraie’s salon; the Redesign Kit!

This kit is available for 1000Carats or 10Koinpeito, and acts as a tonic bypass for your new redesign! If you plan on using more than two tonics, this item is required. We know that our tonic system was a bit confusing, for both the community and the mod team! We hope that this new item relieves stress on both ends when completely overhauling a design! Additional items will still be needed in addition, if you plan on upgrading traits.
Species Structure
Still in progress, but there have been a few changes to the mythicals and traits on the website! 
Vampsoosh are now Weresoosh
Dragonsoosh are now Dracosoosh
Cheek Shape-Default is now Round Cheeks
Cheek Color-Default is now One-Color Cheeks
Cheek Shape-Shaped is now Shaped Cheeks
Cheek Shape-Mismatched is now Mismatched Cheek Shape
Cheek Color-Mismatched is now Mismatched Cheek Color
Cheek Color-Fancy is now Fancy Cheeks
Multi-Color is now Multi-Color Bandana
NEW - Mismatched Ears
I personally felt these new names are much more inclusive of the designs that can exist underneath them. Maybe it even gives you some new ideas!
Please note that verbiage is still be updating across the site, so please hang tight while things are revised.
Species Guides
A popular request, this new page is in progress!
This page will be a much more familiar layout of common closed species guides and hopefully will be more useful for new members. Hang tight, it’s coming!
In addition, there will be a subtype and mythical breakdown included, as well as a height chart to compare each type to the others.
What’s that?
In addition to the new redesign kit, you may have noticed a few new items popping up. They look rather delicious. I wonder what they’re for?


And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

Secret Soosh 2022 Reveal

Posted 4 January 2023, 22:13:43 EST :: Last edited 4 January 2023, 22:13:43 EST by kayy

Click the link below to see all the art for this year's secret soosh event!!



Thank you everyone for another successful year for this event! We hope you all had fun and enjoy your new art! Thank you to everyone who completed their part on time!